Suzzanne D. 21 years, 4 months ago

Amy, Good luck and God Bless. I know you are jumping between excited-ness and nervous-ness but know that we are all pulling for the best outcome for you. Prayer are coming your way. Fat Lady in Waiting~ Suzza

Carol F. 21 years, 4 months ago

I wanted to wish you luck on Monday. Hurry and heal. The world is waiting on the new and improved you.

gwensbypass 21 years, 4 months ago

Amy don't be scared of worried about your surgery on MOnday. Know that God is with you and his peace and grace will follow you and the surgeon on MOnday. I will remember you in prayer. Gwen

Tamara R. 21 years, 4 months ago

Just around the corner. I'm excited for you and will keep you in my prayers. Good Luck!

Alberta R. 21 years, 4 months ago

Just wanted to send you lots of positive thoughts, warm wishes and hugs on your surgery day. Congrats on your new birthday! I wish you a speedy recovery. This is a wonderful tool to help you become healthy. I had surgery three months ago and it is absolutely the best thing I have ever done for myself. Hang in there and enjoy the most wild ride of your life.

Jamie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

OH MY its almost time...Wishing you the BEST and a speedy uneventful recovery!! God bless. Jamie

Angela M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Amy, I wanted to take a minute to wish you well and to try to calm your fears. You have been such a good friend to me since we met, and I want you to know that I am here for you and your family. I know that you are scared. You would not be human if you were not, but you have to fight through that and think positively. I know, I know…pretty funny coming from the queen of negativity. I keep telling you how great I feel and how things just seem to be different on this side of the surgery. I am being completely honest! You will feel great, walk with your head higher, and generally have a better attitude about things. It seems as if the future has opened up for me. Things that I would never have considered before, I do now. This will happen for you too! EVERYTHING changes, Amy. Your relationships around you will change; you will be more active, less tired, etc… Your kids and family will feel and see the difference. Your BACK will feel the difference! I am so excited for you! I can’t wait until we are sipping our protein smoothies and walking on the treadmills at the gym together! By this summer, we will be “two wild and crazy gals!” Sorry for that S-N-L reference…it just fit! LOL I can’t take away the fear, or the anxiety, but I can remind you that we all love you! That you are in extraordinarily capable hands! (my “boyfriend’s”) Besides, nothing can happen to you- you have to be in “our” wedding! LOL Seriously, you have THE best surgeon, the best staff, and the best cheerleader-me! You will love the 9th floor staff at UC too. They are wonderful! Besides, you know that Gersin has a reputation for getting things set in order if they are amiss! (and quickly too) You will meet the Residents, who for the most part are stoic and have no personality, but know what they are doing. The exception to the no personality thing is Dr. Archer…you will like her, she is wonderful. Ok, about the leak test…its going to suck! Sorry, can’t lie to you! But it will be over in 10 minutes and then you can have water, etc… It will all be fine. You will wake up and feel great…groggy and dry mouthed, but great nonetheless. I will be there all day so that I can say “I told you so!” and to help your family with whatever they need. You can trust me, they can trust me. Think positively. My advice…be prepared for the worst, but EXPECT THE BEST. Your girls need you to be strong, to be mentally prepared for the surgery, to be ready to WAKE UP! You know in your heart that this is the right thing for you and that you will wake up to a wonderful new future! Sweetie, it’s not just a physical wake up…it’s an emotional and mental wake up as well! Token phrase for the day: EVERYTING CHANGES. Be ready, be positive, love yourself, your family, and your girls and it will all be perfect! See you soon, take care, I love you! Your ANGEL and Friend, Angela

sunshineinjaxs 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Amy, May God bless your doctors hands for a safe surgery. Good luck to a fast and healthy recovery. May God Bless you. Welcome to a new you! Celeste

cheri123 21 years, 4 months ago

<b>WoW!</b> I bet your excited!!! What a sweet <i><b>Valentine's Day!</i></b> Mine is finally coming up 3/27! The waiting! Sending you my prayers & thoughts to you for a <b><u><i>Wonderful</b></u></i> surgery and recovery! Keep posting! Love to read your progress! Blessings to you! <i>~Cheri*</i>

Bethy413 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Amy, it's ok to be scared and worried about your children, worrying about your kids is what makes you a good mom. I'm willing to bet your kids are part of the reason you want to have this surgery. I will be having surgery the same day, and I also worry about my son, and he is 20, of all things I also worry about my figure everyone else can take care of themselves. Say a prayer and ask God to take the fear from you, put it in his hands. I think this will help. Also, take a deep breath and list all the reasons you are having surgery. But most of all remember, if you change your mind about this, it's ok. You are the only one that knows what you can and can not do. I wish you all the best, no matter what. and btw, I have absolutely decided I am going to be just fine, and that makes me feel better.
About Me
Erlanger, Ky
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2002
Member Since
