Faye O. 19 years, 7 months ago

Woo-hooo!! I just hit the 80 lb mark! I am so excited and doing a happy dance! The time has gone by so fast for me. I still feel like the same "me"...but my clothes are hanging loose and i'm feeling great! I can't wait to reach the 100 mark...maybe by Christmas?? Good luck to you all!

Faye O. 19 years, 8 months ago

10-01-2004 I am almost at the 4 month mark, down 71 lbs from original weight of 332 to 261. Everything is going fine. I still get sick if I eat too much (of course), sometimes on chicken (cut it into little pieces and chew really well), no dumping syndrome yet. Dr. Grandia says I'm doing fine, and right on track. I really feel great! I have so much energy now, I am even keeping my hubby on his toes! I packed up my first box of "too big" clothes...that sure was nice! Off to Goodwill they will go! I unpacked some smaller sized clothes I had put away a couple of years ago...and voila', they fit! I can even wear a few dresses that I had bought, but could never fit comfortably in. I am so excited...only 5 months until my cruise. I wonder what my weight will be by then. Good luck to you all!

Faye O. 19 years, 10 months ago

8/07/04: I'm now two months from surgery and down to 282 lbs...a total loss of 50 lbs. Finally...the half-century mark! I went through a two week plateau a few weeks back, but have started losing again. I am exercising three times a week x 30 mins at Curves and trying to get in some extra walking daily. So far, so good. My energy level has really improved, as has my strength and stamina. I was so wound up today after my workout that I couldn't even take my nap. So, I got up and canned some tomatoes and veggie soup. That wouldn't have happened a few months ago. More later!

on my W. 19 years, 11 months ago

Hi Faye...way to go..I am 3 weeks from my date and you are giving me inspriation..Karen,

Faye O. 19 years, 11 months ago

6/29/2004: Hey everyone! I am now 3 weeks post-op and doing well. I have lost a total of 32 lbs so far, and go back to the doctor tomorrow for a check up. The only problem I've had has been an incision infection and tenderness. It seems to be clearing up now, so i'm feeling better. Energy level is slowly improving, but not running a marathon just yet. I'm eating soft foods such as pureed chicken, tuna, scrambled eggs, and even had a baked sweet potatoe that was delicious. The only thing that hasn't agreed with me is the chicken; it seems to hard to digest well. Many thanks to all of you who posted here before and during my surgery. I really appreciate your support, good wishes, and prayers. So far, it's been a good experience and I'm looking forward to reporting even better accomplishments in the near future. Good luck to all of you "in process".

Tracy C. 19 years, 12 months ago

Congratulations on your surgery! I hope you have swift recovery and a great journey.

Micmomof3 19 years, 12 months ago

Hello Faye! Wow, today is your day! I am praying all goes well and you have an eventful and speedy recovery! You made it to the loseing side!

jmmurphy 19 years, 12 months ago

Hi, Faye,You're almost there. Ready to become the incredible shrinking woman? Take it one day at a time and remember to pamper yourself a little (or a lot!) You're about to start a whole new life. Godspeed on your journey. Joanne

mrysmth1 19 years, 12 months ago

I am so excited for you. I pray for an uneventful textbook surgery and an awesome and quick recovery. Tomorrow is the first day of an exciting journey....GOD luck. Mary~

TheresaC 19 years, 12 months ago

Good luck on your surgery. 2004 is YOUR year to a healthier and thinner you! Enjoy!
About Me
Middleport, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2004
Member Since
