
"I felt that they took very good care of me. When I had a crisis after surgery, they were right on it and brought me through it. They were very helpful to my husband who was able to stay with me while I was in ICU and kept him informed of everything that was going on, what the monitors meant, encouraged him to talk to me and hold my hand, etc. They were very receptive to his needs concerns, and questions, as well as my own. "

Thomas A. Jones

"My first impression of my surgeon was a good one. I had asked around before I had chosen to have this procedure done, and he has a good solid reputation. To back that up, I have a current instructor who is a nurse and used to work in the quality review area of that hospital and speaks very highly of him, so I feel confident that I am in good hands. Dr. Jones and his staff are very knowledgeable and nice. They know what they are doing and know how to handle each step of the way. Very much into teaching. Aftercare has been very much emphasized with visits to the dietician and surgeon's office and is very structured with steps that I feel have been very helpful. Risks were discussed in as much detail as I needed. Post-op I am giving my surgeon an excellent rating, as I had complications and he and his staff brought me through with flying colors. "
About Me
Minneapolis, MN
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2001
Member Since
