Attila Nakeeb

"I met with Dr. Nakeeb and was pleasantly surprised. It is great to find a surgeon who is not only competent but nice. He answered my questions and seemed to have a good sense of humor. He seems to have done quite a few of these surgeries and seems very self-confident...which is calming. I am pleased to have him as my surgeon. My surgery is now complete. I feel like I was in the Best hands having Dr. Nakeeb as a surgeon. Dr. Nakeeb is a very caring person and seemed to answer all of my post surgical questions and concerns. I am thrilled that he was my surgeon. Dr. Nakeeb is a wonderful surgeon."

Alan Glicklich

"I thought Dr. Glichlich was a great doctor with an excellent personality. This helped to make me feel relaxed and feel as though I could tell him about my weight problem and ask for solutions without being judged by him. "
About Me
Pewaukee, Wi
Surgery Date
Feb 17, 2002
Member Since
