SW 21 years ago

Hi Donna, I am appealing my denial. This site has a sample appeal letter, look at the top tool bar, under library (I think) I used the letter to help me formulate mine. I was refused wls, because my bmi was not 40, and co-morbs not diabetes,GERD, or sleep apnea. Since the denial, I am now at BMI 40, was tested positive for mild sleep apnea and plan to send in my appeal letter shortly. I described my family history, my present health issues, diets all my life with documentation, and my medical history with currents medications that I am currently taking. Lots of luck to you, put up a good fight, these insurance companies are tough to deal with. There is an Attorney named Walter L.(?) @ obesitylaw.com that can assist you, if you feel you cannot fight it on your own. Your WLS Friend, Susan DeMendoza [email protected]
About Me
Lutz, fl
Oct 13, 2002
Member Since
