L. Albert Wetter

"My first impression was one of a busy surgeon. Always in a hurry. You had to practically hold on to him to get all your questions answered. But the more I went to him, the more that I liked him. He seemed to stay a little longer and explained things better. All of his office staff were very supportive and helpful in getting everything I needed for my surgery to take place. He really stressed that the surgery was just a tool. And that you as a patient need to do all that you can do. Such as eating right, exercising, things like that. BY the time you walk out of his office, you understand the risks and possible complications of the surgery, and the benefits of the surgery. I think that he is one of the best doctors doing this tpye of surgery. I would highly recommend him to anyone thinking of having this surgery done. I think that you need both surgical competence and bedside manner. Both are a must to ease the patient's fear and anxieties toward their surgery and recovery period. "

Mills-Peninsula (COE)

"I would recommend this hospital to anyone needing to enter a hospital. Especially for Bariatric surgery patients"
About Me
Woodland, Ca
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2003
Member Since
