Donna P. 22 years, 8 months ago

HI! I am 11 days post op and doing great. I have tried posting several times, but none of my posts are on the message board..maybe this one will be. I already see a diffeerence in my size. I can wear my wedding rings again! My pants were loose this morning and my t-shirt is loose too! I am excited!! I only have one thing bothering me...these staples!! I go back to the Dr. on the 26th to get them removed. Hugs to all, Donna

Nanci L. 22 years, 8 months ago

Donna, Congratulations on making it home!! I loved your update, as I am about to go down that same road in a couple of weeks on Nov 1st. It helps to have an idea what to expect when I get there. It makes it less scary knowing that so many others have been there and come through with flying colors. Best wishes for a fast recovery and a speedy weight loss. Nanci

Donna P. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hi everyone!!! It's me!!! Donna!!! I'm home and feeling pretty good!! First off, thanks to everyone that said prayers, sent emails and posted ot my pare...I couldn't have done this without you! {{{HUGS}}} I am still sore, but on no pain meds. October 8th we went to Wichita Falls, Tx and had three appointments, one; to register with the hospital, two; to see the pulmonologist, and three; to see Dr. Warnock one more time before surgery. 6 pm October 8th; drink lovely (NOT) green stuff. October 9th-5:45 am, report to the hospital. They had me shower with a special soap, gown and lay in bed until they came for me...10 amish, into the OR holding room. My husband was able to stay with me in there. The anesthesiologist came in, started my IV, and gave me "something to RELAX you"...OH to the OR...I remember a little bit about it, but I was pretty relaxed. Then I remember her saying,"Good night" thing I was in recovery waking up...and said, OH MY GOSH...GIVE ME PAIN MEDS NOW!!!" They said they had, but I said, "GIVE ME MORE NOW!!!" With in 30 minutes the pain eased a bit. Then off to my room...not ICU. I had a tube inmy nose to my stomach (very irritating, but tollerable), a drain tube in my right side (JP Drain)IV in my left hand and these strange, warm things wrapped around my legs pumping up ever so often to keep circulation going. I slept a lot until around 5 pm. Then, it was up to walk. I was dizzy, but they helped me walk and it got better. I walked every hour, two laps around the halls. Morning of the 10th (5 AM)they came in and removed the oh so wonderful NG-Tub Thank you!. My husband stayed with me until the afternoon of the 10th. He had to return home to our kids and his job. Dr. came in daily and was so happy at my progress. The nurses said I wasn't using my "Happy pump" enough. I used it about 2 times/hour, only when I had to get up. I was in some pain, but I know that the more I get up and walk the faster I will get to go home. IV removed on Thusday... Friday morning, they removed the JP drain....let's not get into that one, I'll just say, "OUCH!" I could be discharged to the guest house, or stay inpatient for two more days...I chose to sta inpatient (funds are tight right now). Friday and Saturday I walked a lot, sipped water, juice and chicekn broth, ate popsicles, jello (very little of that, yuk), and ice chips. Sunday morning...GO HOME!!!!!!!! I was so happy to get home. Sunday afternoon, I had chicken noodle soup (minus the noodles). Today, I am sitting here eating thin oatmeal. I have not(as of yet) had any nausea or vomitting. I get tired easily and rest alot. I am moving around, sitting, standing, and doing most things pretty well. Coughing really hurts and sneezing...well, brace yourself! I have some where around 200 small staples. They are sore, but not too bad. I am so happy things are over, or maybe I should say, just beginning, and I am on my way to a smaller healthier, happier life! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to everyone. My prayers continue for those with upcoming surgery dates, those with complications and those still working towards their goals! Congratulations to those that have reached that goal. Hugs to all, Donna

Brenda C. 22 years, 8 months ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope Dr. Warnock is taking good care of you. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. I have been very sick with pnemonia. Get well quick and come home to us. Welcome to the world of Losers!!!!

Michelle H. 22 years, 8 months ago

I talked to donna today, she is doing great, she has all her tubes and drains out, and gets to come home tomorrow! They tried her on clear liquids today, and she tolerated it well. Welcome to the losing side donna!

Michelle H. 22 years, 8 months ago

Donna, thinking of you, wish I could call you, but the number I got gives me a recording. Just wanted you to know I am praying for ya, got tracy's e-mail saying you were doing good. Let me know when you get home. Hugs friend.

Donna P. 22 years, 8 months ago

Donna is up and moving around. She had her g-tube removed at 5 am. She has had her cathater removed around noon. She can get up and move on her own... She is doing very well and the Dr. is happy with her recovery... (Donna's husband)

Tracie S. 22 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations, good luck with recovery!! I will be having my surgery with Dr. Warnock in Dec.

Vickie C. 22 years, 8 months ago

Donna, Congratulations on your surgery! I am glad it went well and I wish you good health and good luck with your recovery. Welcome to the losing side! A WLS friend,

Cheri W. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hey Donna! I am so glad that your surgery went well, and you are sleeping now...please keep us posted about your progress. You are in my prayers...
About Me
Littlefield, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2001
Member Since
