issis 22 years, 7 months ago

Margo, I read your recent post and am glad that things went well for you and I pray that you stay on the positive upswing of things. I had posted to your site last month and was hoping all was well, because I noted that you were having problems with your "opening." I am always thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Whoohoo on the weight loss. That is awsome! Take care and write when you can~~Irene

issis 22 years, 7 months ago

Margo, I hope you are feeling better...I must have missed some of your earlier postings about food intake...I hope all goes better for you now and I'll keep saying will get better each day. I am thinking about you~~Irene

issis 22 years, 8 months ago

Margo, awesome weight loss...Horray for you and I am so happy. You are doing so great. Each day Margo, you will get and feel better and better. I hope all went well with your swallow test!! Love Irene

Lori C. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hey Margo! I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well! Soon you'll be able to run circles around your girls! I'm still waiting for my date with destiny and can't stand the wait. I'll be keeping in touch with you to see how everything is going... Stay healthy and strong! You are in my thoughts and prayers! :)

Jennifer T. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hi Margo....just wanted to send a note and let you know I was thinking about you. Nice to hear that things are going well for you. I know that doing this was the best decision I ever made for myself. I hope that you will feel that way too:) Take care and I hope to see you soon...Jenny Templet

issis 22 years, 9 months ago

~~^j^~~Angel update. I just received an e-mail from Margo and she will be staying at her Gram's house for a few days for some R&R. She sounds like she is doing well, having some pain but taking something for it, and can't wait until the JP tube is out, but all in all I think she is on the mend. Margo will not have access to a computer for a few days so I will not hear from her also. I am sure once she is back home, Margo will post here keeping us all updated. Please drop by her surgery page and welcome Margo to the other side. I want to Thank our AMOS family community for giving Margo support and prayers~~Love and Peace~~Irene

issis 22 years, 9 months ago

I am so glad you are home, I figured you would be home on Friday. I intend to call you on Sunday. With all that has been happening, my world has been upside down. But I hope to speak to you in person. Whooohooo, I am so happy..Yesssss!!/Irene

Debby H. 22 years, 9 months ago

Visited Margo yesterday and she looked very good. She is hoping to come home today. She was having a little dizziness yesterday so she didn't feel good about walking but told her to ask for nausea medicine to see if that helped. Just wanted to wish her good luck with a speedy recovery.

issis 22 years, 9 months ago

~~^j^~~Angel Here~~spreading the news that Margo is doing well. I spoke with her this afternoon and this is what she had to report. No tubes in the nose or lungs. She does have a Jackson Pratt draing tube that will be in for the next two weeks. She does have a feeding tube where she will receive nutrients via this stomach tube for the next month. She is restricted from having oral fluids for the next week. All this is so that she will heal well from the inside out. Margo was very pleased that she DID have a LAP RNY and has two little holes to prove it. Margo may be going home tomorrow, but she will not have access to a computer for awhile. I will stay in touch with her by phone and keep you folks updated on her progress. I am so thankful to God that Margo is Okay and I am so thankful for this AMOS family for sending her prayers and support~~Peace and Love~~Irene

Jo C. 22 years, 9 months ago

congrats on doing it!!!! You made it through surgery and now the fun part starts!!! HUGS to you and I hope your recovery is easy
About Me
Waterville, ME
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was taken just 3 weeks before surgery. YUCK <p>I look like a BIG tomato.....
I took this picture on June 2 - 102 pounds gone !!!
