Kristi B. 21 years, 10 months ago

Sandy I just wanted to say thanks again!! I look forward to coming to the support group you are starting. I think it take a very special person like yourself, to help others on thier wls journey. Instead of losing the weight, and moving on with your new being, you decided to stay behind and help others. You are a very special person. Congrats on the new grand baby!!! very very cute. Hope to see ya soon.

Carmen K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Sandy...........I think Pam German gave you excellent advice on your husband. I was thinking about your Mom's comment and I wonder if she was giving you some sort of backhanded compliment. Like, "My once overweight daughter is so wonderfully slim I now tell her to eat more!" Anyway, you sound like you are doing terrific. Stay that healthy size 4. I'm only 5 weeks out and I dream of being just like you. You are where everyone who has this surgery wants to be so please feel just as proud as punch about what you've acomplished. It's been a long hard road! People at goal inspire the rest of us who are still struggling. Can I ask, about how much do plastic surgeons charge for a thigh lift? I had lipo on my inner thighs and stomach about 5 years ago and they are already sagging so when I lose another 90 pounds it's gonna be really scarey in a bathing suit. I think my insurance will pay for the TT and boob lift but they won't pay for thighs or under arms. Thanks and you are doing so great I can't wait to join you at goal! :)

Pam G. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Sandy - I am no expert, but I as usual do have an opinion! I think there is a certain insecurity that is inside a man who falls in love with an obese person. I think part of it is it makes them feel like they are a "big" person because they gave it a chance. Because, they were open to finding out about someone not just because they are physically attractive. That in itself is wonderful. The sign of a big heart. Obese women tend to be more care givers. We tend to take care of everyone around us. We try to show this man that he has a wonderful wife, and make him proud that he saw past your weight and into you heart. When we start losing weight we change. We still love and care for our spouses but we now not only want their devotion, we want their approval and their support. We see that we are an equal partner to them, and though we still care for them, we stop treating them as if they are our children. We make them do for themselves a bit. They think, yes, you look good now you think you are too good for me. I am sure your husband loves you, he still has that big heart. He is just having trouble adjusting. Shower him with love, not "care" and I pray he will come around. As for MOM, I am afraid I am guilty of this. I associate a lot of weight loss with illness. I think there is a switch in our brains that says, they are starving..feed them. After all, Mom played a big part in getting you plump. I hope the next generation gets rid of that switch! Good Luck to you. If I am off base....LOL....just delete me!

Hellcatmama 21 years, 10 months ago

Congrats. on the new Grand Baby........I know she is GRAND!!!!!!! God Bless and Peace~~~

Moma V. 21 years, 10 months ago

Sandy, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on becoming a Grandmother!!

kylakae 21 years, 10 months ago

Sandy, congratulations on the birth of your new grandbaby!

kylakae 21 years, 11 months ago

Hey Sandy, I just realised that was you in your new picture! *laugh* You look teriffic!

Stacy C. 21 years, 11 months ago

Click my name to get to my profile. Pouch rules for dummies is about half way down! Enjoy! Stacy

Ruth R. 22 years ago

6/6/02 Sandy, I just read your posting on the message board accompanied by your lovely picture. Congratulations on your huge success. You are truly beautiful. I am new to this website and am encouraged by the family atmosphere...supportive, uplifting, encouraging, etc. I can't wait to be in your shoes!

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 2 months ago

Dear Sandy~~~~My sincerest condolences on the loss of your grandfather. I hope your trip to Georgia is a safe one and that seeing your family will reinforce the happy memories you have of your grandfather. I will keep your grandparents in my prayers--I hope they are well again soon.
About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
In a wheelchair due to breaking my leg because of my weight.
302 lbs.lbs
Sandy and husband Scott. I am loving life now! Thank you Dr. Kaczmarski
