Kelvin Higa

"Dr. Higa is congenial, efficient, skilled. I checked him out with several medical people who had had the proceedure done. It's been 2 weeks since the surgery and I've no cause to change my first impressions. He is organized, knowlegable. When I called on the phone, I felt that his staff weren't as organized. His lack of accessibility, though I don't know what he could have done for me had he been any more accessible. Doctors from around the world come to watch him operate. He demands that the patient go through numerous hoops to qualify--more than other surgeons in the area. He's very precise in his directions and expects his patients to follow them to the letter. I have an appointment schedule and he strongly suggests his patients join a support group. His approach is matter-of-fact, doesn't shade the truth. He deserves the highest grades in surgical competence. If I had to say anything amis it would be that he seemed in a rush when he visited me post-op."
About Me
Visalia, CA
Sep 19, 2001
Member Since
