donnaa62 21 years ago

Suzy blood clots is a possibility with any type of surgery expecially one where you are semi inactive.. we can develope them even without surgery...

Jamie M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Suzy. It is very common to have doubts about this. Many of us have. I just put my trust in Gods hands. I know I need this for my health. My dad dropped dead at 34 of a heart attack and I hope to prevent that. Also the way I feel now, the aches, pains, reflux etc I KNOW I will feel much better about myself in general. The risks for this surgery is no more than any other major surgery. And nothing in life is could get in an accident tomorrw. I don't mean to sound morbid just trying get you to look at is all the way around LOL. Its a serious thing and something to really think about. There are many more success stories than bad but there are the bad. And some of the people on the memorial page died waiting for their surgery not because of it. I wish you luck with your decision. Jamie

Suzy R. 21 years, 3 months ago

HELP!!! I'm very nervous! I change my mind about the surgery on a daily basis! I know that my letter of medical necessity was just sent out, but that is a big step for me. I am scared out of my wits about this. Did anyone else re-evaluate their desire for surgery on a daily basis? I think my husband is getting tired of my wishy/washy ways;-). Oh well, thanks for listening to (reading) my rants!

MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI SUZY I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS
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Salina, Ks
Dec 28, 2001
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