Lisa H. 22 years, 11 months ago

Sandra - I have been thinking about you lately and really missed seeing you today at the support group meeting. I know you will get better soon, it is always hard at first. You keep taking care of yourself & losing weight (you're doing great) and keep us up on how you are doing. Let me know if you need anything. Will come and visit if you feel like it. Just click on my name for my email address. Take care and we love you. You are a very special person & friend.

Ann K. 22 years, 11 months ago

Sandy, I am so sorry to read you are having a ucky healing period. I know we have more problems healing then "normal" people (how I hate that expression!) because our tummy insulation (mine included) for us apple shapes makes it difficult for us to heal as quickly as some others. Keep hanging in there & I will pray every day you will get better every day. Love you, Ann K.

issis 22 years, 11 months ago

Sandra, sorry to hear you are still nursing your wounds (no pun intended). I will kep you in my prayers that you heal fast/Irene

Sandra R. 22 years, 11 months ago

July 9 It's been a while since I've updated. I am still having a very hard time. I have 13 open wounds on my stomach; 3 are on the incision line and 2 of them are pretty big; the others are on each side where the retention stitches were. I have a home health care nurse who comes out once a day to pack my wounds and monitor my progress; she has been wonderful. At this time, I'm pretty much restricted to bed, lots of rest, medicine, and trying to eat more protein. I still get sick easily when I eat; I have to be so careful. I am definitely not at the point where I would do this again by choice, although I am constantly reminded I did this for my health in the first place. I haven't quite got this in my head yet! I have lost 37 pounds as of Friday, July 6. Sandy

Denise C. 23 years ago

Sandy, I'm so glad to see that you're feeling better and get to come home! I can't wait to see the new you at the next support group meeting!

Ann K. 23 years ago

I just talked to Sandy on the 'phone. The latest news as of 4:30 pm.m Monday, 18th is SHE'S GONNA GET TO GO HOME IN THE MORNING!!!! I went to see her yesterday & she was still a little bit doped up. Not terribly comfortable & worried about when it would start to get "better". She had a pretty rough time, running around getting the heart EEG/EKG read by a cardiologist so he would clear her for the WLS surgery. It made for a hectic Wed. (day before surgery). As of yesterday, she was still not to the point of saying, "This is the best thing I have ever done for myself." But all us post-ops know it will come. I called a few minutes ago & she answered the 'phone herself. She sounded more chipper. We got to talking about the food & she said, "I couldn't drink the grape juice today. It was TOO SWEET!" I could hear the disbelief in her voice. She said she drank the cranberry juice just fine & had eaten some grits, scrambled egg & toast for breakfast. Then she ate some noodles w/beef for lunch but had to just chew the beef "for flavor". I asked her if she would ever have believed there would come a day when she would say, she couldn't eat something 'cause it was too sweet! She said no, that was always her problem. She was a sweet eater. Everything was staying down, they took the IV out & she was ready to go home. I know she will feel better when she can get back to her own bed. She sounded so much better. I did keep in touch with her on the Fri. after the surgery by 'phone, but Debbie had already entered the same info I had, so I didn't duplicate it. Everyone keep praying for her as she goes down this *Road to Recovery* & OUT THE OTHER SIDE TO A BETTER LIFE. Yea, Sandy! love you, girl.

ronascott 23 years ago

Visited Sandy and her husband, daughter and parents. Sandy is still not feeling 100% but is doing quite good. We assured her that she would reach a point that she doesn't regret having this wonderful surgery. She is getting some liquids now and may even get to go home tomorrow. Sandy's angel Ann Kilgore stopped in while we were there and she was looking all thin and tan with a pretty new hairdo. Ann was giving Sandy some much needed reassurance when we left. Keep Sandy in your prayers - we know she's only going to get better and better.

blank first name B. 23 years ago

Hi Sandra, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you will begin to feel better soon. God bless you as you recover.

debathens 23 years ago

I have just gotten back from visiting Sandy in the hospital and she is totally miserable. She is at the "I wish had never done this" stage. Her back really hurts along with her stomach and she can't find any comfortable position. For some reason they had disconnected her morphine pump but they were getting ready to reconnect it so she can get some relief. She has been up walking some, hopefully she will feel up to more pretty soon. Please keep her in your prayers.

debathens 23 years ago

This is angel #2 reporting in again. We had to make an unexpected trip to Georgia today so I didn't get over to see Sandy but I called just as soon as we got home. I didn't get to talk to her but did speak with the floor nurse and she said Sandy is doing fine, such good words to hear. Sandy is in room #234 at Shelby Baptist. All of your prayers are helping her tremendously to take each little step along the way. We are going to see her tomorrow so I will update again.
About Me
Bessemer, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2001
Member Since
