Louise S. 22 years, 4 months ago

WELL WELL WELL.. can you even believe it is over with!! I'd have to say that the surgery date and the day after was the worst. Since then It has been down hill. I think Swedish is a great hospital but having your own room has got to be the best way to go and that is not the way at Swedish. The nurses and staff were all very nice. I guess having your own room isn't that big of a deal in the grand sceam of things but it would have been nice. So where do I start? I checked in at the front and was basically asked all the questions I answered at my pre op testing appointment. After that I went to pre op took my cloths off,put them in a bag, got up on a bed in a room with about 15 other beds and waited for a nurse. I answered what seem to be all the same questions again for the second time in one day and then waited for the anastisiologist and Dr. T. I meet with both of them and then they gave me something to calm the nerves. I wasn't really nervious but the anastisiologist said it can't hurt we give it so you might as well take it. (so my suggestion to everyone take it:o)) Next thing I know they are wheeling me in surgery. I meet another Doctor in the operating room, don't remember his name but he said he is there to assist Dr. T. he was very nice. After that it's all a blurrrr:o). I don't even remember it being over and me in recovery. When I get my memory back they are wheeling me into my room and this lovely nurse is helping me get situated in my bed which seemed like it took forever. I say lovely because it must have been a half hour before I stopped bugging her I just couldn't get comfortable and she was this little thing pulling me, I'm laughing now as I write, but I wasn't to plesent at the time. Like I said earlier the first probably 24 hours was hell. So pump your pain meds, and take the nausia medication or supositories and just deal with it. Because, It gets better. The ice chips really helped so chew them all the time. I got to finally do my leak test. They rolled me down to xray and had me get on the table drink this nasty stuff and breath and stop, breath and stop. The test was ok and it was back up to my room from there. They then took my tube out and that was vertually the worst experience of all. I through up in the process. I finally got to blow my nose, that was a relief and well it seems smooth sailing from there. The days got better but the comfort of the hospital bed did not. I never realized how weak my back muscles were. I had my cathiter taken out as soon as possible because it was driving me crazy. I happen to have my period the same time of the surgery so not having a pad was getting quite messy and a real drag too. I also ended up having a Urinary Tract Infection that was there before I had surgery, Such is life. My only advise here is, Be sure you are up to getting up everytime you have to pee before you stop using the cathiter. By Sunday it was nice to have visitors. My family came, Aunt Uncle, cousin, Daughter (I'll tell that story later) sister from Grand Junction, father, Mother, and friends(Denise her husband, Tina, Miranda, Penny, Ken. It was funny everyone came one after another it could not have been planned any better. Thanks to everyone for the flowers, cards and calls. Susan you are a God send being an Angle calling me just as I had questions and didn't even know it. Well that's it for now, I have two friends going in for surgery Monday back to back. And another friend going to get a Tummy Tuck Tuesday. If you reading this and you live in the surronding Denver, metro area in Colorado please come to the support group at Littleton Hospital the first Friday of every month:o) TTFN

Kelly K. Y. 22 years, 5 months ago

Louise, Wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you and hope you are doing well. I hope you are comfortable and talking good care of your self. I can't wait to hear about your update. Please know that I'm here to talk to. Take care and hope to hear from you soon!! Kelly

Kelly K. Y. 22 years, 5 months ago

BrendaSinger 22 years, 5 months ago

<font face="Lucida Casual"><font color="maroon"><b>~~~~Here's to a quick happy recovery. As YOUR day comes and goes through recovery...Remember to walk, drink, & cough as much as you can drag your butt to do. Many prayers sent your way. YOU CAN DO IT!!! God Bless us each and everyone. <br>Visit my profile...I have lots of great websites you can check out that may be of interest.<br> Happy New Year! Happy New You!</b></font></font><font color="Blue"><font face="Signature"><font size="+2"> ~~ Brenda~~</font size></font face></font color>

DebPKansas 22 years, 5 months ago

Best wishes and many prayers go with you. You are gonna do GREAT!!!!! ((((hugs)))) and smiles =)))

Janis H. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi~~ Just wanted to wish you ALL the best with your upcoming surgery. I'm 5 days post op and know the first couple of days are gonna be rough on you....in fact up until Saturday morning in the hospital, I couldn't believe I'd put myself thru such hell (nose tube, IV, etc). The soreness hasn't been a big issue for me yet---liquid or crushed ibuprofen seems to be working ok. My advice for anyone after surgery: as soon as the doc/nurses give you leave to walk, do as much of it as possible. It'll get you home quicker. Lord bless and keep you as safe & comforable as possible.

lissapayne 22 years, 5 months ago

Hello. I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world on your surgery and let you know that your in my thoughts and prayers! I am 8 months post op and it has been the most wonderful thing I have ever done for myself! God Bless!

blank first name B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Louise-I wanted to take the time to wish you the very best of luck on your upcoming surgery. May the Lord truly bless you with a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Best wishes on a new healthy and happy life.

AngelNTx65 22 years, 5 months ago

Louise~Well your day is almost here.I am so excited for you and I wish you the best.Take a deep breath and know you're about to do something truly wonderful for yourself.Please keep us posted. God Bless~Kim

Tamara O. 22 years, 5 months ago

Good luck from AL! I will be having surgery on the same day! I will be praying for your speedy recovery.
About Me
Englewood, CO
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Wow! I can't wait to get some of this weight off
Amazing :o)
