Chris S. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Jeana: I can sympathize with the racing heart and stomach butterflies at the thought of the surgery being real, and zooming out of nowhere. I found that every time I questioned whether or not I REALLY wanted to be sliced and diced, all I needed to do was take a pen and list all the reasons I originally scheduled a consult with a surgeon. Those things hadn't changed, and neither did my mind. Good luck, and prayers for a speedy uneventful recovery.

MommaAngel 21 years, 10 months ago

HI JEANA I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side. LORD BLESS

Jeana S. 21 years, 10 months ago

August 13th. Had consult today. I'm going through the VA hospital. I spent about a hour to hour 1/2 with Dr. Oliver, my husband and I had been making a list of questions and had narrowed it down by reviewing, however I still had several questions that I really wanted the surgeon's thoughts on. My appointment was 2:30 and after waiting till 4:00 they finally called my name. We went in and met Dr. Oliver, very nice and personable, answered all questions, drew diagrams and explained everything in detail, my biggest questions/concern was about LEAKS, I don't know why I was hung up on this part of the surgery, but it's the one thing that concerns me more than any other. I think I can deal with pain, not eatting, but the LEAK scares me....however, after all the diagrams and the explanation, (which my husband illistrated (sp) as putting in new plumbing in the bathroom and checking for leaks b-4 you put the dry wall back up) I finally got the reassurance I needed that LEAKS do happen but all precautions are taken to avoid them at all cost. Well enough posting for now, All in all today was a GOOD Day. They are consulting with Dr. Garr on a date and time and will get back with me. Hoping for after August 25th for the surgery and b-4 the middle of September. Wish me luck, say a PRAYER and OBESITY HELP, THANK YOU.

Jeana S. 21 years, 10 months ago

Well, 3 days till Aug. 13th(consult). I have come so far in my thoughts regarding this surgery. I'm still scared, but have came to the realization that this surgery IS no different than any other 2 hour surgery. This has helped me with my decision. I continue to read the message board, Q&A postings,profiles and the photos, it has inspired me to continue on this journey. I actually allowed myself some time this morning to contemplate how I will look physically a year down the road. I liked what I saw....

Jeana W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Jeana I saw your post on Wanda Smart's surgery page and I couldn't believe my eyes! I am 40 years old and have never seen anyone else who spelled their name the way you do (except me, that is). How do you pronounce your name? I get all different kinds of pronounciations, but the way I pronounce it is Jean-a. I will add you to my prayer list in hopes that you will come to the best decision for you about surgery. It is not the solution for everyone, and it is definitely not the easy way out. Good luck with your consult and keep us up to date! God Bless and take care Jeana Welshman

Jeana S. 21 years, 11 months ago

I completed all post-op work three weeks ago and have been patiently waiting to here from the surgery department regarding my next appointment. (I'm using the Verterans Hosptial in Louisville, KY). I haven't pushed too hard basically because I'm still not too sure about surgery. I have figured out that I'm not going to be able to lose the weight on my own. (step one). So to make a long story short my appointment to met regarding the results of pre-op testing is August 13th.
About Me
Georgetown, IN
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2002
Member Since
