Karen I. 20 years, 1 month ago

Carolyn, I guessing by now your surgery is over. I was hoping to get something posted for you yesterday. Please know you've been in my prayers and will continue to be. It's been 3 weeks since my surgery. How time flies. Before you know it you will be out 3 weeks and then 6. Good luck to you. Wish I could come see you. I certainly enjoyed your visit. Keep in touch. KJ

Micmomof3 20 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you an uneventful surgery and my prayers will be with you! God bless, Michelle.

Black Beauti 20 years, 1 month ago

I wish you a journey that is safe, and uneventful. I commend you on having the courage to take your own health and happiness into your own hands. Be Blessed!! Stay Strong in teh struggle, and remember you never walk alone *smile* You'll be in my prayers!! *smoochies* ~T~ NEVER SURRENDER

cotesbabe 20 years, 1 month ago

Congrats on your upcoming surgery.........You will soon be A loser! Wishing you a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.God Bless!

Sketch 20 years, 1 month ago

Good luck Carolyn! Best wishes for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery! -Tony G

SarahB 20 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations Carolyn! Soon you will be on the losing side! Good luck and God bless you!

Karen I. 20 years, 1 month ago

Carolyn, I wanted you to know what I hadn't ignored you. Things are going really well for me, but sounds like you've had a few bumps in the road. Tuesday will be here soon and you can be on the downhill side YEAH! I think my biggest struggle right now is the "mourning" I feel when I can't have something I really like. but it's getting better. Thank God for my support group. And better yet I'm down 28 lbs. Woo HOO! And that makes it all worth it. You'll do great. It's not all easy and it's not a quick fix. Yes, I read what your sister said to you. Family and hom aren't always your best support. Mick was worrying that I wasn't eating enough. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. Dr. Holloway told Mick I could live on water with the extra weight I am carrying. Water is my main problem. I try to get in between 50 and 60 oz. of water a day. I don't swim. I thought I was going to have to call the Red Cross for swim lessons. lol. I'll be praying for you. Tuesday will be here soon. E-mail me as soon as you can so I know how you're doing. Take care and God Bless. Karen

ReneeJune03 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi Carolyn, I'd say don't be nervous but,heck, I was nervous! Of course it was for nothing (except I burned a few extra calories) because my surgery was fine. I had soreness more than pain, in fact, my back hurt more than my incision (go figure). Anyway, keep it positive. That means only positive people around you. The negative people are ill-informed and will just sap you of your confidence. I hope all your health and weight-loss dreams come true. Mine did. All the best,

Frvsnt O. 20 years, 2 months ago

I have some Zen Wisdom for you - Nothing exists but momentarily...One thing flows into another...observe things as they are, let everything go as it goes. This is to put everything under control in its widest sense. May God keep you close to his side as you travel your new journey. You will experience ups and downs. Just remember that we, your AMOS family, will always be here for you. We will offer support and encouragement. You will find this to be the best thing you could ever have done for yourself as well as your family. I know that I did. Keep us posted when you reach the "other" side. I pray for a speedy and easy recovery for you. Good luck and God Bless!!! RNY 10/31/03 down 78 pounds!!!! - btw - beautiful profile

Karen N. 20 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation pre-op and throughout the next exciting year! You'll do great with this life-saving tool*
About Me
Minatare, NE
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2004
Member Since
