Michael A. Snyder

"April 27, 2003 Wow - its been a long time. Well my struggles with my foot gractures continued - GOt the cast off the end of May - foot began hurint again end of September. Contacted my "foot" doc in Oct. - - resceduled - rescheduled - had to find new doc - my had developed severe MS - had to close his practice - - new doc - cast back on - 7 weeks - when off - told LIMIT excercise! Had qualitative CT - osteoporosis - had Dexascan - "normal bones" - QCT is to be more definitive - then my gen. pract. doc had QCT - showed him as OP - he believes "operator error". . . so the saga continues. I will be 21 months pos-op on May 14, 2003. I should be to goal weight (150) by then. I hope to reach 130 or so. I do have lots of hanging skin - still on "light exercise orders" due to foot - (esp. since I'm a nurse and walk alot at work.) I will be moving to the other end of the state in 5-6 weeks. Have not sold current home - - daughter is graduating - - long-distance relationship with husband (he moved in Jan. 2003) - - father-in-law still fighting lung cancer - - etc.... lots of stressors going. Otherwise life is great!. I have gone from a snug 28/30 down to an 8 in relaxed fix jeans - sometimes a 10. If dresses are cut real snug through hips sometimes a 12. I am in "medium" uniforms and almost to "smalls". Less than 2 years ago I couldn't hardly find uniforms because 3x were way to tight! I will never be able to thank Dr. Snyder enough for this change in my life. I can go anywhere and "fit" into any chairs ..... My only problem is adjusting to being thin . . . I still have a hard time realizing I can get between close setting chairs in restaurants. . . If climbing over chairs. or up/down bleachers - I still have a hard time balancing - I want to balance my movements as though I still weigh over 300 pounds. I really have a hard time when co-workers state - How does it feel to be wearing "skinny jeans?" I still do not think of myself as being thin (I not not heart healthy BMI yet...) Again, thank you to Dr. Snyder - You are my lifesaver! I met Dr. Snyder last week. He was great. He truly is empathetic with those of us who are obese. After reviewing my paperwork, he stated he believes I have six or seven co-morbidities which may be improved or completely eliminated with weightloss. He is very active in the bariatric society, which to me is a plus since he keeps current on the most recent trends and information out there. I appreciated the fact that he treated me with respect and dignity - - which is not always the case when dealing with surgeons. My husband went to the appointment with me. We both felt like he was quite knowledgeable and self assured without being on the God ego trip. In fact, he told me husband about a book which he recommended to help my husband shed some of his extra pounds (we did purchase the book). Dr. Snyder spends alot on pre-op education - he sends you a book to read, you must attend one of his seminars, and I've been told there is test you must take before you actually have surgery - he reviews the tests and discusses any questions you miss so you are well informed. He states he consideres us part of his "family" and gives each patient his office number and his personal pager number - WOW! He does anticipate a lenghty follow-up program because as he says - he's our coach and he's responisble to "coach" us through the difficult times and to give us the game plan so we can all be winners. Dr. Snyher's staff is wonderful also. Brenda and Beth both were in attendance at his seminar. He picks a great office staff and he hand picks his OR team so patients are only worked on by the best. I think Dr. Snyder is just great. (By the way, one of surgery techs who works at St. Anthony's was there with her Surgery Tech students, she also thinks Dr. Snyder is wonderful.) The way negative - he's waiting for new office chairs - the current ones are not exactly comfy for his bariatric patients. "
About Me
Hugoton, KS
Surgery Date
May 17, 2001
Member Since
