Luis Gorospe

"In the begining like probably everyone else I was very skeptical. After consulting with Dr. Gorospe in the initial appointment, I began to feel comfortable almost from the time he walked into the exam room. From there it was down hill all the way. His staff was caring from the very begining. There was always someone on the other end of the phone, no matter when I felt I had to call. They were and still are always willing to answer questions even at 7 months post op. My insurance carrier is United health care, I was approved within 3 days of the dr's office faxing the necessary documents. The best way that I can describe this entire experience, is I dont have anything negitive to say. From the begining Dr. Gorospe explained everything in terms that I could understand. He told me from begining to end what would happen, how I would feel, and what he expected from me to recover the quickest. "
About Me
Tulsa, OK
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2002
Member Since
