Abbott Northwestern Hospital (COE)

"I loved the staff! they were remarkable. Marilyn, r.n., jennifer, r.n., tracy, r.n., mohamed, n.a., moses, n.a., tammi, n.a., and Trendell, n.a. were all the beautiful people that I had taking care of me and they were absolutely wonderful! They stress that you don't let your pain go too far out of control and that you get it taken care of as soon as you feel it. I hope that anyone who goes there has the same if not better experience then I did. I thought they were really awesome! "

Trent Carlson

"My first impression of Dr. Rupp came on 12 June 2002 at his informational session that he requires his patients to attend to. He was quite thorough,polite and knowledgeable on this surgery, morbid obesity, and he even talked about the development of the surgery itself. He was honest and straightforward and stayed until every question was answered, he didn't have a set time when the meeting was over with, it was when his potential patients were done with their questions. I liked how candid he was about how long it would possibly take to recouperate after the VBG and RNY surgeries and the differences in them both, who would benefit from which, the difficulty of the surgery and any potential problems that could occur. He said that he felt that it was important to have an informational meeting for his patients since it would take so much time to discuss the surgery, it's pros and cons, etc to each individual and he could save so much time and work with his patients instead of taking up time discussing the surgery like he did at the meeting. Joyce, his RN, was the first to speak and she was quite knowledgeable, however I would have liked her to gone into more detail with the insurance aspect, but I believe that she went through it quickly as to give Dr.Rupp more time to speak to us. I'm confident in him and he ahs done this for along time and he is skilled in this surgery, so I know I'm in good hands! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~NEW SURGEON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I switched to Dr. Trent Carlson in February. I looked up his medical license and years of experience with this surgery. I've also been in contact with those who have had him and they said he was a nice man. I met him on 11 March 2003 and he was a very nice man. He has an after care program and he likes to make sure that you aren't doing this surgery for the wrong reasons and that you are a good candidate. He feels that you should be a good listener and ready to learn a whole new way of life. He emphasized that your eating and thought patterns won't change the moment you have the surgery, it's a progressive learning process. He did discuss some problems that could happen and the 2 incidences (spelling?) where one patient had a blockage and they had to go in and do a revision. He asked if I had any questions for him and you know, I really like him and am glad that I chose to go with him, I feel that he is knowledgeable and cares about you and your success. "

John N. O'Neil

"Dr. O'Neil was a really great person to meet with. I was nervous at first with him and he explained that I didn't need to be and that he was there to help me to understand about the surgery,etc. He had past experience with patients seeking WLS and is always seeking more information pertaining to the surgery. I think he is a caring individual and cares about you."

St.Johns North East

"I was there recently to visit a family member who was fighting for her life. The ER doctor/nurses were excellent! The ER staff new what to do to help save her life and they did. She was later placed on the 3rd floor which deals with heart/strokes/pulmonary. The staff there was great, they took great care of my grandmother. The rehabilitation staff was great as well and I'm grateful for their skills in saving my grandmother's life and taking such great care of her. "

Jane Wilkins

"I liked talking with Dr. Wilkins. I wasn't quite sure what to expect from her, but hoped that she would be good. She listened to me carefully and after explaining the WLS procedure to me, she asked if I had a surgeon in mind and I told her that I didn't. She referred me to Dr. Wm Rupp.I researched into him and other surgeons and have found that her referral to Dr.Rupp was very good and thoughtful. She is a caring and skilled doctor."
About Me
Oakdale, MN
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2002
Member Since
