Becca K. 22 years ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You! I hope that this post finds you healthy and happy. Please remember to drop by and update your profile from time to time. It's important for others to be able to see how we post-ops do on our journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

Amy T. 22 years, 12 months ago

Linda-We are almost neighbors- I live right in Madison! It is nice to hear of someone so close having the surgery. I am glad you are doing so well, and will keep you in my prayers. Amy

Anna G. 23 years ago

Linda is out of ICU and in a semi-private room now. I talked to her husband who said she is resting but doing excellent. The doctor says she will be dismissed home on Thursday. WAY TO GO GIRLFRIEND.

Anna G. 23 years ago

Linda had her surgery on 9/25/01 and came through with flying colors. The doctor was able to do it laparoscopically. The had a very rough day to start and was told that they would have to cancel her surgery and let her go home and reschedule it for later. She was in the process of getting ready to leave when they called back to tell her to stay that they had an operating room for 3 p.m. She went in to surgery at 3:05 p.m. and was through around 6:25 p.m. I talked with the family and they said the doctor said she did well. They was getting ready to send her to ICU because of her sleep apnea. She will spend the night there and hopefully will be moved out to a regular room on Wednesday. I will post again as soon as I find out more information.

joi W. 23 years ago

WE ARE BOTH HAVING OUR SURGRY ON 9-25-01, I too go at 6 am at Good Samaritan Hospital. thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will pray for you !!

Leslie R. 23 years ago

Linda,good luck tomorrow. Looks like we share the same date. Thanks for taking the time to post to my surgery page..It won't be long now...are you as ready as I am? I would say I would be thinking of you, but I am afraid I will be a little busy myself. All the best, and Off we go to the other side. Leslie

jorielulof 23 years ago

Dear Linda...Thanks for your good wishes...and now they are coming right back to you. We share a very special day and I am praying for God's hand to be on you tomorrow.

Jen H. 23 years ago

May God bless you with a safe surgery and a speedy recovery. You will be in my prayers.

blank first name B. 23 years ago

Hi Lillian.... thank you for your post on my page. We are sisters in that our surgery date is the same. 9/25/2001 My surgery is at 7:45 a little behind you. I am in Idaho as well, so that makes it later still. My thoughts and Prayes are with you. you will come through this like a breeze. may god bless you. Linda Pelkola

Anna G. 23 years ago

Linda will be leaving home today around lunch headed for an overnight stay in Birmingham. She is to have surgery Tuesday morning at UAB at 6 a.m. by Dr. Ronald Clements. Please keep her in your prayers and offer some words of encouragement. I will keep everyone posted as soon as I here from the family after surgery. GOD BLESS YOU LINDA, I LOVE YOU.
About Me
Harvest, Al
Surgery Date
Jun 20, 2001
Member Since
