Lisa V. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi all. Bare with the multiple list post for an another week or so until I can type for longer periods of time. The Journey has been positive though a little painful after surgery for a while. The day of my surgery I arrived at the BTC Hospital at 8:45am June 26th, 2002. When I arrived I was told that things were moving slowly because they were waiting on families to pick up patients. The bed capacity is 20 at BTC here in Groveport, Ohio. So, my moms two best friends and my support moms and my pastor came to wait with us. Around 9:15am they did my pregnancy test which is routine before surgery. Then I waiting another hour with routine updates. I was fine during the whole time actually. Around 10:30am they took me and my family to the second floor to wait for a call. I ended up sitting right in front of the room I would go in and did not know. At 10:35am We had prayer with my pastor and at that I was called for the moment that would change my life forever. As I reached room to change, I got this disgusting medicine to drink but they did give me some mouthwash to rinse my mouth out. When I closed the door in the bathroom I knew it was time. I cried and then I thanked God Almighty in Heaven for giving me the wisdom to do the right thing and also for giving me all the love and support I needed to do this. Well, after my moment in the bathroom my journey to WLS surgery took over. It took 5 tries to get my IV but they made it painless. My BP went up to 170 over 110 which Dr. Choban was in the room and she knew why and did not worry. Well, the anesthesiologist came in and started joking around gave me something for nausea told me I was going do great and all I remember is here comes the happy meds. The next time I saw a face was when I woke in my room to about 8 people standing around my bed including my Mom telling me to do all kinds of stuff. I was useless. Demerol is not the drug for me. I was telling folks I did not have kids and they I was not who I was and so on. LOL The big moment came 4 hours after surgery when I took my walk of fame as a loser. I did really good. The only rough part were the spasms I had in my chest that are normal after surgery. 90% of patients can have muscle relaxers shots but I was the 10% who could not because my heart rate got higher when I would get an injection. Rule of thumb is HR has to be 110 or lover. I stayed at 115 to 120. I was a trooper and I never cried about any pain I had. When I got off the Demerol and started taking percacet things got a lot better. I walked no less the 5 times a day sometimes more. My roommate had surgery the same day just before me and we were like sisters the whole time. We had are up and down times like clock work. We both were people who slept with our TV's on and we never clashed once. She had a little harder time then me because she also had her gallbladder removed. I made a lot of friends and we supported one another during our recovery periods. I can only say one thing about the staff. They were God Sent Angels. When I started my cycle they treated me like a queen. All the techs were not scared to health you keep yourself clean. My first shower was miracle because I never looked back after that. On Saturday, June 29th I was discharged home. The only difficulty I have been having is my sense of taste is sensitive. I don't like drinking from plastic or Styrofoam cups. I detest Broth, Jell-O and White Grape Juice. I was allowed to started my protein shakes and things a day early because I was having taste issues. My Mom has been making wonderful protein shakes and I am in heaven now. I am doing well and I look significantly different now. I walk walk walk as much as possible. Everyday my incision gets itchier because it is healing. I had no wound drainage at all. I am now wearing clothes and they look too big already. LOL My face, hands, feet, legs and stomach are shrinking before my eyes. I lost 9.8lbs at discharge and still going. I thank you all and God for this surgery and I have no regrets and no issues with meds at all. Everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently so do what works for you do what makes you comfy. My next big update will be on July 11th after my first post-op appointment with Dr. Choban. Take care to all. All those heading to surgery this week God Bless you and Welcome to the Loser Club. I feel that I have whole new outlook and it looks thinner everyday. I love you Angels who called, updated the list and made me feel awfully darn special. I love you for that. Those who called long distance without complaint, I love you too. Keep the support coming. I love you all.

charanewme 21 years, 11 months ago

Lisa Congratulations on starting a new chapter in your life to a healthier and thinner you.Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery Charlene.

S. Kay S. 21 years, 11 months ago

May God bless you with an painless and uneventful surgery. Please remember that His plan for you is in action, and He is in total control. I will be praying for you. Pastor Kay

klynn90 21 years, 11 months ago

Lisa, I hope you are on the road to a speedy recovery. God Bless.

Tanesha C. 21 years, 11 months ago

God Bless you Lisa I wish you a speedy recovery and and a healthy journey to the other side.!!!!! Stay Blessed!!!!

Carmen K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Lisa..............congratulations on your successful surgery! I hope you are healing quickly and are feeling well. Just imagine yourself this time next summer. VA-VA-VOOM! God bless :)

karen D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hey there Lisa!!---I would like to wish you the very best of luck for your "new beginning" and beyond! You are gonna love being a "big loser"! Take care and may Peace and Love be with you always!

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Request: If you have not had the pleasure of doing so, Please sign Lisa Vinson's surgery page. I am sure she will love reading your kind thots as she recovers. Peace, Traci Duncan RNY May 31,2002

MsGlitterDiva 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel Update. Lisa is doing very well. She was discharged from the hospital on Saturday, June 29. She is in minimal to no pain, chest palpitations have subsided, and she is well on her way to a speedy recovery. She says she is very pleased with her surgery incision as it looks very "nice" small and will heal to be very unnoticeable. Lisa says that she is beginning a walking exercise routine around her neighborhood accompanied by her daughters. Since it is 100 degree during the day, night times will be her exercise time. Lisa is looking forward to starting on full liquids as of this Tuesday. AT this point, she feels that the chicken broth is for the birds! Upon discharge from the hospital, Lisa is happy to report that she has lost 5 lbs so far! She is unable to reply to Instant Messages on the computer at this time because it is hard for her to position herself at the keyboard for typing, but she is able to checking and read all of her e-mail, so feel free to drop her a get well greeting. Lisa has a lot of support at home from family and friends, but let us continue to pray for her healing, safe and expedient recovery. Peace, Traci, RNY May 31, 2002

Audra B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Congrats Lisa!!!!! You will do wonderful!
About Me
Galloway, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2002
Member Since
