Silly_Little_Dreamer B.

B-12 1000 MCG - Cherry

"Best tasting b-12 I have ever had...Don't waste your money on anything else this is the best."

Emma Patterson

"<font face="Tahoma" color="purple">I will meet Dr. Emma Patterson on Jan.29th 2002.I have heard so many wonderful things about her and I am so thankful for all of the comments from her patients. I feel very good about this choice. I will update when I meet with her. Jan,30th 2002 Well I met Dr.Patterson yesterday and I must tell you I think she is wonderful! She talked with me about the different types of surgery's-she does all of them laparoscopic We talked for about 2 hours,she gave me a brief tummy exam and checked my heart and I am a good candidate for sugery and now I am waiting on sleep study results and the tube thingy down the nose and surgery will be in 4 to 6 weeks...I feel very lucky to have her as my surgeon. Her staff was great. June 26th 2002 I have had my surgery, Lap Rny on May 20th 2002 and I just wanted to tell everyone that Dr.Patterson is the BEST surgeon in the world..."

Good Samaritan

"I was not thrilled with the hospital from the moment I was put in short stay for 6 hours to wait on a very uncomfortable bed...Then was took to another room for a hour and waited for my operation to start. I was in surgery for 2 hours and my family was told I would be out in 20 minutes well I was out in 5 hours and 10 minutes and they had no idea what was going on the nurses just kept saying 15 more minutes my family was very upset and worried. I did not like that one bit.I then waited till 1:30 the next day for a leak test nothing to drink since sunday night at 6:00pm and my mouth was so dry it hurt.I was walking the halls when the nurse came to get me for the leak test and I decided I would just walk to the test...I was told to have a seat in the waiting room hahaha I could not sit in any of the chairs they were all tiny. I was told to stand still and wait for the doctor to come in to perform the test. I waited behind this exray machine standing for 10 minutes my legs began to shake and I had to take my arms out and hang on to the machine because I thought I was going to pass out...I was sweating and getting kinda upset when the doctor finally came in..He said drink this stuff ok looks good your done. It took longer waiting than it did for the test. Then I was taken back to the waiting room and told the nurse will be there shortly.15 minutes of standing I was shaking and I told my husband I was not waiting any longer I was going to my room so thats just what we did we found the elevator and went back to my room and just as I got to my room the nurse says oh I was just coming to get you...I did not recieve any nurses care just checking my vitals and pain control. My husband did EVERYTHING for me...I have no idea what would have happend to me if he hadn't been with me.I usually don't express myself so much but I was not a happy person and the hospital staff was not at all what it should have been."


"I have tried other protein bars and I think this has the best taste. My kids love them. 270 cal.7g fat. carbs 23g. protein 30g Rich candy like taste is sweet with splenda. It's a large bar 2.7 oz. Yummy "
About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
1 week before surgery -Not very happy :o(
I have lost 245 pounds in this picture...
