Memorial Hospital (COE)

"I was very happy with the fact that they listened to me about my lack of veins for the annastesis. The doctors looked me over and decided to put IV in my neck. It was painless and was able to move confortably. Very happy that they didn't jab and poke me to get a vein in my arm or hand. The nurses were very upbeat. My husband was my caregiver at the hospital, nurses were there to help, they listened to me when I didn't want any meds for pain, and when I was ready for meds they were there without any hesitation. I was so ready for this surgery and had a very good stay and would recommend this hospital to anyone. "

Hosein Yasrebi

"I was very impressed with Dr Yasrebi the first time I went to his seminar at the hospital. He is a very dedicated doctor and seems to take great care in his patients. He is very strick with his patients. If you can't stick to his 800 calorie diet and loose the weight necessary for your surgery you are out the door. He has a line waiting to have surgery by him. He has been doing this surgery over 20 year and has NEVER lost a patient. That to me is VERY IMPRESSIVE. His office staff in GREAT. I have no complaints so far. His proceedure is done basicly on an out patient basis. Have surgery in morning and go home the next morning. In the mean time you have your own caregiver at the hospital 24 hrs, in that time your caregiver is walking you every 2 hours thro out the night. You go home the next morning. Dr. Yasrebi also comes by after the surgery several times to check on you and also walk you. After you go home he calls every 4 hours, and you continue to walk. This prevents bloodclots and phnomia (sp). Very strick on his after care from what I am told. My surgery is schedualed June 5, 02. I will be able to let you know more then. "
About Me
jacksonville, fl
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2002
Member Since
