Rajeev Vohra

"I was very pleased with the care I received before and after my surgery. I found Dr. Vohra to be very personable and through. He made sure I was aware of all the risks and benefits of the surgery. He kept emphazing that although it was laparascopic that it was still major surgery and not to be entered into lightly. I was amazed at the fact that he checked on me personnaly twice a day while I was in the hospital. And I can not say enough about his office staff. Kathy, Danielle, Jill and especially Peggy always knew just what I needed and were so understanding and supportive every step of the way. Mary was able to keep all my preop and postop needs under control. Aftercare is very important and extremely structured. Everyone on staff is there to help you feel good and succeed!!"
About Me
Levittown, NY
Feb 26, 2003
Member Since
