Rush Presbyterian St Luke Medical Center

"let me just say that in Chicago, there is one REALLY, REALLY outstanding hospital that is reminiscent of a FIVE STAR HOTEL. okay having said that then u have your good hospitals, your okay i would stay here if i really have to hospitals, and your there is no way on God's green earth that i would stay here i don't care what anyone says. trust me i know cuz i've just about worked in all of them. Rush is a 'good' hospital, it's a place where u don't mind staying cuz the accomadations are nice and the staff is competent. the only 'bad' thing that happened to me is when i went for my 'leak test' on the morning after surgery, the radiology technician thought she'd take it upon herself to comment about how she didn't understand why i had the surgery cuz afterall i was about the same size as she was. i knew i was already feeling my old self when i told her maybe i could help her set up a consultation and then i let out a guffaw! i was kind of scared after that cuz i couldn't move too good and if she would have punched me in one of my incisions i wouldn't have been able to do anything. but she had to laugh herself cuz she wasn't expecting that at all! yeah, i'm a smart alec!"

James Madura

"Dr. Madura made a very good first impression. i think the thing i liked about him most was that he never judged, like he never made me feel like i SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT have the surgery. sometimes when people look at me their reaction is like well u aren't THAT big, why would u do that? but not with Dr. Madura. one of my girlfriends recommended him HIGHLY and she was 100% correct. Dr. Madura is very laid back and has a really good bedside manner. he's straight forward and will explain everything in the most minute detail, he even draws a picture of the changes that will take place with your GI system. i also liked the fact that at your pre-op visit he requires that you bring at least one family member or significant person in your life to insure that u not only will have proper support post-op but to make sure that THEIR questions/concerns are addressed. the day after my surgery which was a SATURDAY (i want u to note that it was a SATURDAY and there is usually N0 such thing as an attending surgery physician in the hospital visiting patients on the weekend) i was returning from my 'leak test' and guess who was standing in my doorway? yeah, the man himself. he was like hey, how is it going? how are u feeling? even going so far as to tell me that i looked pretty good, even with my crazy rash from the anesthesia. then HE (not a resident) took out my NG tube and hung out for a few minutes shooting the breeze and checking out how good i trolled the hallways. i really, really like this man and his manner. i would recommend him and Rush Hospital in a heartbeat. the office staff is pretty cool too. i was rejected by my new insurance company after prior approval by my ORIGINAL insurance company and his assitant, Samantha, was extremely helpful in dealing with the insurance company. i have to get that woman a fruit basket or somethin'. "
About Me
chicago, il
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2003
Member Since
