Karen G 18 years, 1 month ago

Congrats on your anniversary. I hope this message finds you healthy and happy. I am also an O'Malley patient. I am 15 months post-op and down just over 105 pounds. I still have 30-40 pounds to go and am hopeful that I will get there. I hope you achieved what you hoped for, from the surgery.

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="http://www.dwarfworks.com/kyla/pictures/heart92.gif" width="95" height="116"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#9900FF">Happy re-Birthday, Lori! Its been two years since your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile so we'll know how you are doing two years post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Judi W. 22 years, 1 month ago

Lori~~Congratulations on your 2 Year Anniversary!! Hope your journey continues to bring you success and joy. We'd love to hear how you are doing and hope you'll stop by and update your profile.

Bonnie R. 22 years, 11 months ago

I was glad to read your story, It gives me much hope. I am having the surgery in 6 days, and thanks to the posts I have read it will keep me from backing out. God bless you. I pray you will always be happy, and healthy Bonnie

Shar /. 24 years ago

I talked to "Teach" & Dennis today. Dennis got out of the hospital Saturday and is recovering from his ulcer. He is finally being able to eat some without pain. "Teach" is still hungry. I sent her a food list and hope it will help get her tummy satisfied. I think it will be another 2 weeks before either of them are feeling better. They went on a 1 1/2 mile walk today! We love you guys- - hang in there!!!!!!

Shar /. 24 years ago

"TeachMyOwn" had surgery 4/13. She is still sore - especially the upper part of her incision. Her main complaint is that she is HUNGRY. She said that even after eating something, she is hungry. Do any of you have any suggestions you can leave with Lori? She said she can eat 6oz. yogurt and be hungry still. I know she is worried this surgery won't work for her. Any thoughts you could send her way would be appreciated. She sends thanks for this supportive site and everybody who prayed for her and Dennis. I'll call them this weekend to update again. Love,

Alicia B. 24 years, 1 month ago

Aw, Teach...so sorry you're having a bad time of it. I couldn't go to Easter Services either - not even Sacrement Meeting, so I understand being bummed out. May next week I'll be able to go. Anyway, you are in my prayers and I sincerely hope you begin to improve soon...

M B. 24 years, 1 month ago

Lori & Dennis, Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers this Easter Sunday. Remember how black Good Friday must have seemed for Jesus? Then, the glorious Easter Sunday when He rose from the dark hell He endured for 3 days (Must have seemed like an eternity, don't you think?) You, too, will rise from the seemingly eternal difficulties you are experiencing. Every day that goes by gets you one day closer to victory! Please hang tough and know you have friends praying for you!

Shar /. 24 years, 1 month ago

"TeachMyOwn" had surgery 4/13 and is feeling discouraged. She is on clear liquids and so hungry. She lost 12 lbs. her first week. She has these pains around her incision that her doctor says are nerve pain. She fell today, her house is messy, and she can't go to Easter services tomorrow. Her hubby Dennis who had surgery a month ago is down 65lbs., but having a hard time adjusting to eating and so sick of no variety. Dennis is not getting in any protein either. I'm going to send them a list of foods to check with their surgeon with. Lori is hesitant to say anything negative about this experience, but she is having a hard time. I will update again later. I know both she and Dennis would appreciate any words of encouragement you could send their way. Lots of Love,

Eileen Z. 24 years, 1 month ago

Lori, I am so sorry to hear that you are having a rough go of it. I am hopeful that you will feel much better soon. I love you lots and am praying for you everyday! {{{{{{{Lori}}}}}}}}
About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2000
Member Since
