Jeffrey Allen

"I thought he was a kind, caring man. He wasn\'t cold, he was very warm, wasn\'t afraid to touch your arm etc. He was frank about the risks and benefits. He explained each proceedure, let you see videos. I liked that it was one on one not a group session. He totally talked about aftercare. He told me, without me asking, that he hasn\'t lost a patient but he has had several with severe complications, Not necessarily due to surgery but with diffrent body types and ability to handle surgery etc. So far I would rate him an 8. his surgical competence i cant say yet but bedside mannor seems great. I have had my second appt. with him, and we set a date. I had all the other stuff done so i didn\'t have to weight. I am very confident he can handle this. He and his staff are great, and very helful. He talked about the risks a second time just so I would know. Iv\'e had surgery My new rating of him is a 10. He and his team take excellent care of you. I reccomend him highly. He has a cheery disposition, which I love. The people who make appt\'s. for his office need some work, but his nursing staff is great as well as his interns, and residents. I STILL RATE HIM A 10. He is a great man, funny too. I appreciate that in a dctor. His nurses are great, but that clerical staff is a mess. I bet he doesnt know how many times they have screwed up my appointments. I trippled checked with them the last time I was there. I got a bit mean. and for that i apologize, just was frustrated. but all in all hes the best."

Rajan Joshi

"Sometimes his bedside mannor seems a bit off. But he knows what he is talking about and is an excellent doctor"

Herbert Steger

"I truly enjoyed this man. He has done many of these reviews, and seemed to have a good deal of knowledge of obesity and its varried causes. I had an interview with him, and had to take a partial personality type test."
About Me
Jul 15, 2001
Member Since
