Chung Oh

"My first visit with Dr. Oh was Monday, March 26, 2001. I was immediately impressed with his thoroughness and also his statistics: he has been doing this surgery for 19 years and has had one mortality (a patient died from thrombosis - a blood clot which is a risk for any surgery) - he went on to say that he is very careful of making sure that each patients wears support hose and that the legs are elevated to help prevent clots from forming. He also explained that he has never in all of these years had to re-open one of his patients! I was very impressed. He seems to very much have the procedure down to a learned science, which made me feel very at ease. He is difficult to understand, but just ask him to repeat himself and he will talk more slowly. In terms of bedside manner - i would say he is very dry, but thorough. On your initial visit, he gives you a booklet that he has prepared which outlines the different types of surgery and the Roux En Y - which he recommends the most. He also includes information on pre-op and post-op in terms of pain management, testing, dietary intake, etc. He his very thorough. His office staff are very friendly."
About Me
Watertown, NY
Surgery Date
Dec 07, 2000
Member Since
