Cinna G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Happy TWO Year Anniversary to You!! I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. You've done wonderfully. Thank you for remembering to update your profile from time to time so that others can share in your progress. Have a great day today!

Judi W. 22 years, 1 month ago

AnnMarie~~Your TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY for WLS will be here Tomorrow ~~ CONGRATULATIONS!! Hope your journey continues to bring you success and joy. We'd love to hear how you are doing and hope you'll stop by and update your profile.(We'd love to see more pictures!)

Angela H. 24 years, 1 month ago very glad to hear that you are home and feeling better. I have a new date, May 25th. Talk to you soon. Can't wait to hear about your weight loss progress. Keep me posted when you are feeling up to it. You are an inspiration to me! Love, Angela

Nancy G. W. 24 years, 1 month ago

Just wanted to let everyone know that AnnMarie is home and doing VERY well I swear, she absolutely amazes me. Before she left the hospital, she was up to six (6) laps around the corridors and was even starting to stray into other areas of the hospital. What an inspiration. You better be good girl, and not overdo. Love, Your Angel

Vickie K. 24 years, 1 month ago

Hi AnnMarie, I hope you were able to come home from the hospital today & that you will be feeling much better real soon. God Bless You.

Nancy G. W. 24 years, 1 month ago

I just spoke to AnnMarie. She's still in the hospital. We thought she was going to be discharged from the hospital yesterday but she started running a temperature - 101.something. The doctor thought it was coming from her lungs but they seem to be OK. Today her temp is down to 99 and she's hoping she'll get to go home later this afternoon. Except for the fever, she's feeling pretty good. Said she was up to three laps around the hospital corridors. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the fever doesn't come back & that she gets to go home. Way to Go, AnnMarie! Love, Nancy G.

Nancy G. W. 24 years, 1 month ago

Phewww, do I feel better! I went over to see AnnMarie in the hospital on my lunch hour today and she looks absolutely fantastic! I couldn't believe it. For one day post-op, she really was doing OK. She says shes feeling pretty good. She said she's got discomfort along the top of her abdomen that's very similar to the discomfort she felt along the bottom of her abdomen when she had her C-sections. Doesn't have much of an appetite but I could see from her tray that she did have a little jello (yum)and drank some cranberry juice. She's lucky in that her sister and her husband took off this week to take care of her and her kids. And she's spoken to her children on the phone so they're feeling so much more assured that Mom's alright. Seeing her makes me all that more anxious for my own surgery. I also spoke by email to Angela Harlan today and I'm so pleased that things are working out for her. What a sweet and wonderful person. You know how everyone always says that when God takes away one of your senses, He makes the others more acute. Well, I've got my own theory... when people get heavier, they develop more personality and more caring than those who have never suffered. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not putting down thin people by any means. I just mean that I can't get over how caring this WLS community is. Thanks everyone. And special thanks dear Lord for all Your grace and blessings. Love, Nancy G.

Jaye C. 24 years, 1 month ago

Hi AnnMarie: I hope you'll be up and around soon. Can't wait to hear about your surgery and the results! Jaye

Angela H. 24 years, 1 month ago

Hi AnnMarie...........just getting ready to go for my check up with Dr. Andrie and wanted to check in to see how you are doing. I hope you are feeling good. Congradulations you are now on your way to starting your new life. Go get em Girlfriend! Hopefully I will be able to stop by and visit for a few minutes when I am done with Dr.Andrei. Hang in there and you will be home tomorrow! I am so Happy and Excited for you! ((((((((HUGS))))))))) & XXXXXXKISSESXXXXXXXXX and loads of get well prayers! Love, Angela

Vickie K. 24 years, 1 month ago

Hi AnnMarie, Hope that you will be feeling much better real soon. Hope your recovery will be a speedy one. Take care & God Bless.
About Me
Waretown, NJ
Surgery Date
Feb 12, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Here I am the morning of surgery, YIKES!
