Kathy S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Lynne, Sounds like you came through with flying colors. Congratulations! I wish you a speedy recovery and weight loss. Hopefully I will be joining you on the other side before long. Way to go! Prayerfully yours, KS

suzanne S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Glad to hear you have made it through the surger, I hope you have a speedy recovery. Suzanne

Sharon W. 22 years, 1 month ago

Marianne - WELCOME HOME! – Remember the 9 unofficial rules: Water, Water, Water, Protein, Protein, Protein, Walking, Walking, Walking. (((HUGS))) “Nana” Sharon

Arianne B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Marianne, comes home tomorrow (Sunday). She is really doing great! That is about all that needs to be said at this time. Thank You Everyone! Arianne Marie (Marianne's twin sister)

Arianne B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Arianne B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Latest update i've had from family concerning Lynne's progress. "All systems go!" The upper GI showed no leaks, but due to the extensive hernia repair work the doctor wants to keep her in the hospital until (as it stands now) Sunday. There are no problems with the hernia repair, but Doc wants to give things a chance to begin healing without any undue strain. She is wearing the binder(s) and is relatively comfortable. She took three walks today, and her color is excellent. She is being given valium through the IV to keep her from being uncomfortble (or at least to keep her from worrying about being uncomfortable - lol) during the evening hours. Lynne has been up walking several times each day. So far, it is going better than we had even hoped for. Once again Thank You to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Lynne.

Jeanie B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Marianne, Congratulations on your surgery. I wish you a very speedy and uneventful recovery. Welcome to the other side. Jeanie

Arianne B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Tuesday update on Marianne, She is really doing GREAT! She is taking ice flakes and keeping hydrated. She has walked down the hall and back with her daughter. Our Dad says she is in much better spirits than he ever thought she would be, for it being the first day after surgery. Marianne has waited so long for both the Gastric Bypass and Hernia repair, it's about time something went well for her, she certainly deserves some good luck! She really appreciates all the best wishes and prayers everyone has sent her way. And i want to say Thank You to everyone also! Arianne Marie (Marianne's twin sister)

Sue G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Lynne, Here is hoping that you are feeling better as each day goes on. I read the im between your Dad and your sister and it sounds like everything went great. Im so glad to hear that. Much love from your "former angel"

Arianne B. 22 years, 1 month ago

This is a instant message conversation i had with my (Our) Father concerning Marianne's surgery this afternoon. Marianne had a very large Hernia that had to be repaired along with the Gastric Bypass. Northernlace: Hey Dad! What's the news?????? TedWebb 1: HI, Ree. Just got here. Northernlace: How's Lynne? TedWebb 1: Sis is doing really great. Had NO breathing problems at all. Northernlace: GREAT! Northernlace: Did the doctor do everything as planned? TedWebb 1: Doc Thoburn said that the hernia was somewhat larger than they had first thought, so the repair of that was more extensive than he thought it would be, but he actually finished the operation about 15 minutes shorter than was scheduled. Northernlace: I knew the Hernia was bad, I've been saying that all along. TedWebb 1: The incision is from the bottom of the sternum to just below the navel. He had to remove the navel in order to get the netting in place properly. TedWebb 1: The net is inside the muscle wall as he had planned. Northernlace: Hopefully this will hold it until she can loose enough that it's not a problem anymore. TedWebb 1: When she came out of the recovery room without a breathing tube or tube in her nose; just the oxygen thingy under her nose. Northernlace: Tell her belly buttons aren't a biggie...mine isn't the original...lost it with my hernia repair when Amanda was a baby. TedWebb 1: Doc is hopeful that the net will not get any 'slack' in it as she loses weight. Northernlace: well if the muscle was repaired too, it shouldn't be a problem, I'm sure my net is loose now, but it's caused me no problems. TedWebb 1: He came by the waiting room as soon he left the operating room, and talked with me for a couple minutes; said that it couldn't have gone better, all things considered. Northernlace: did he bypass any intestine? TedWebb 1: Only thing 'extra' was the additional hernia repair necessary. TedWebb 1: He said that he was doing a 'moderate' in order to lessen the problem of malnutrition on down the road. Northernlace: Lynne told me she didn't think he did any intestinal bypass, and she said she was going to ask him about it this morning before surgery. Northernlace: That's good. TedWebb 1: She got the 30cc stomach (about the size of his thumb, as he put it) and less intestine by-passed. He said that the weight loss will be slightly slower, but the nutrition problems should be much less. TedWebb 1: She was resting uncomfortably (lol) when we left. Northernlace: Did he take her Gallbladder? TedWebb 1: She has the pump, so that should help. TedWebb 1: I doubt it. The comment before the operation was that there were no stones....... Northernlace: oh she'll regret this for the next week, but then she'll start to feel better, and then she'll get pissed because of the liquid diet, but once she really starts loosing, she'll be glad again....lol TedWebb 1: First thing out of her mouth when they brought her out of recovery was "Where's my baby?" Northernlace: Tomorrow she'll be saying "oh my God what have I done to myself" It's normal, everyone I've talked to including myself says the same thing, but on down the road, there's no regrets. TedWebb 1: That was on the way to the third floor 331 B. Northernlace: That's so wonderful TedWebb 1: Her BP is running about 135/68. Northernlace: Lynne's going to be a different person, I can't wait to see the changes in her :-) TedWebb 1: It will be such a relief to us all! TedWebb 1: Is there any more information that I can give you to add to her website? Northernlace: how long was surgery? TedWebb 1: She went in at ~3:45, and the Doc talked to me at 6:55. Northernlace: OK TedWebb 1: You do the math..... Lol Northernlace: 3 1/2 hours...not bad considering everything he did TedWebb 1: Probably 3 hours. Thoburn had allowed 3:30. Northernlace: better than mine, I was 6 1/2 hours TedWebb 1: Yeah, but they didn't have to repair Lynne's liver! Lol Northernlace: is she in ICU or regular room? Northernlace: True TedWebb 1: Regular room. 331B. Might be home as early as Friday, "If things stay smooth" as Doc. Thoburn said.
About Me
Fanning Springs, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2000
Member Since
