Randall Bolar

" I met Dr. Randall Bolar in Georgetown, Kentucky today. He is everything I heard he would be. We sat one on one and talked for close to an hour, he answered all my questions, including all those regarding my previous JIB and takedown, addressed all my fears, and discussed risks involved. I made the decision right then and there to go with the RNY and Dr. Bolar. He introduced me to Catherine, his patient consultant and after I spent a few minutes with her, I felt like I had known her forever. I had all my diet history, co-morbs, psych eval.,and everything all together and she said "why don't we just give your insurance a call right now and see what they say". Well, folks I'm here to say in less than 20 minutes I WAS APPROVED and I have a SURGERY DATE of October 31, 2000. I am so happy, I will tell my employer tomorrow. I want to say thanks to all you wonderful people here at AMOS for all your support, love, and well wishes. You are all my life line and I always keep you all in my prayers. Please keep remembering me as I will need all your prayers. I believe prayer is powerful! God bless you all. "
About Me
Florence, KY
Surgery Date
Apr 05, 2000
Member Since
