Bengt Pehrsson

"I am a 35 year old woman who is single and self employed. Up until now I have been able to smuggly say that I was healthy, but it is becoming obvious that I'm not going to beat the odds with regard to my weight. Seeing Dr. Pehrsson was a difficult decision to make, and his staff seemed to understand that. Dr Pehrsson is not a "glossy" doctor. He does not have full color brochures, or try to name this procedure after himself. I REALLY needed that in my doctor! What he IS, is a Diplomat with the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery...much more important!!! When I went in to the office it was quiet and professional (not a clinic. Dr. Pehrsson did not keep me waiting, which I greatly appreciated. He excused himself while we were talking to take a call from a hospital regarding another patient's admission, but I liked that in a doctor. It made me feel that he will do that for me when I have my surgery. When I sat down at his desk he did not start by explaining the cosmetic benefits to this operation. He started by explaining the 50 year history of bariatric surgery (Yeah, I'm serious.). Then he went on to explain the two types of surgery that he performs for morbid obesity. I want the lapryscopic version...he explained the pros and cons. I loved it! I felt that he respected me as a patient and listened to me. We sat there for nearly an HOUR, until I had asked every question. Dr. Pehrsson wants an endocrine consult, and he personally called an Endocrinologist while I was in the office. That doctor paged me five minutes later and I see her in two days...amazing! I feel cared for and safe. I'm going to go ahead and have this surgery, hopefully in late March, when I return from a business trip. For me this is NOT about going to the senior prom. It is about living to see my child go to the senior prom! I am a healthy, successful, happy person who has a diminished life expectancy due to hereditary and other weight related issues. It's time to end the dieting game. "
About Me
Valley Village, Ca
Surgery Date
Dec 13, 2000
Member Since
