Tricia N. 21 years, 6 months ago

From one michigander to another - happy anniversay to us! Mine was at Beaumont/Royal Oak! Went well -158lbs! How are you? Congrats again! Tricia

Cinna G. 21 years, 6 months ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Drop in from time to time so that others can share in your wls experiences. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 22 years, 3 months ago

Woohooooo WTG!!! Congrats on the 47 pounds gone!

Dawn Y. 22 years, 3 months ago

YYYIIIIIPPPPPPEEEE!!!! I went to dr. to weight this morning. I stepped on the scale and set the thingy bob (technical term) to 250. This was followed by a clunking sound. Thinking I had made a mistake, I tried again. I finally moved it to 200 and discovered I now weigh less than 250!!!!!!!First time in a VERY long time. I've lost 47 pounds. My three month anniversary isn't until June 7 so I can still reach my goal of 50 pounds lost at three months. Maybe more. I'm feeling so great and life is grand. I would absolutely recommend this surgery. There are days when I graze and feel yucky and days when I just don't feel like eating. But all in all not too many complaints. Alot less than when I was lugging an extra 47 pounds around!!!

Anna L. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dawn - Congratulations on a great 6 week checkup! Keep up the good work and if you hit any plateaus, DO NOT LOSE FAITH! Drink that water! :) God Bless - Anna

Dawn Y. 22 years, 4 months ago

2 months post op !!!!! I went for my 6 week check up yesterday and am down 30 pounds since surgery and 35 since highest. On my way to the doctor's I spilt some food on my top so I ran by a store and picked up a size 22 and guess what . . . It is too big!!! (a tight 26-28 pre op) While I wasn't thrilled with the weight loss, the doctor was. They expect between 10-15% excess weight loss by this point and I have lost 16% so I won't complain. The inches are melting off and that's what counts!!!! Not only that, but I can roll the windows down on our van now and I can reach my own feet. These are the things that really matter. I am only on insulin now for my diabetes instead of all three meds. Even the amount of insulin is going down. Am I glad I did this? You bet. Has it always been easy . . . NO. I still struggle with eating too fast and not chewing enough. And my body doesn't mind a bit letting me know it!!! It is just awesome being able to be active with my family again.

crysci 22 years, 5 months ago

Dawn, Wow! Sounds like you are making big progress! To have your life more positive already is so wonderful! Congradulations and may your recovery keep going great!

Annette B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Dawn I'm so glad your doing good. Keep up the good work. Annette

Mary H. 22 years, 5 months ago

dawn glad you are doing so well.

Michelle W. 22 years, 5 months ago

About Me
Pullman, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2001
Member Since
