Zale Lipshy

"I thought it was great. Sometimes they were a bit disorganized about things like getting me out of bed to walk or shower. But if I mentioned that I wanted or needed anything, they were right on top of it."

Nancy Puzziferri

"From the very first visit, Dr P was SO incredibly helpful. She took the time to answer ALL my questions. She was very knowledgeable and told me stuff that I had no idea about, regardless of my prep research. The office staff was nice. Unfortunately I had to deal with a temp insurance girl who was not super knowledgeable. The have a nice routine down about your initial intake (phone), review by an RN, schedule first appointment, meet with nutritionist, then scheduled pre and post op nutrition classes. While in the hospital, Dr P took the time not only to address all of my concerns but those of my family. I can't speak highly enough about her. Overall, I think it was a great experience!"
About Me
Nov 29, 2007
Member Since
