When the doctor asked me how long I've been overweight I had to stop and think...  Was it really since the 4th grade that I remember being teased for my weight?  Man...that was a long time ago...  I don't ever remember being comfortable with myself... Not once since I was at the age when I didn't care.  I can honestly say that I don't even remember ever being smaller than a size 14.  And for someone who is only 4'11" ...that's a big size.  I think maybe once when I had mono and lost 20 lbs was I a size 10...but once I started eating again and keeping down food...it all came right back.

It's really been in the past 3 years that I've started to consider other options when it comes to weight loss.  I've tried every diet in the book recieving only minimal results.  My biggest accomplishment was on weight watchers going from 240 lbs (size 20) to 180 lbs (size 14)...but there I was again, back at that damn size 14 and unable to progress from there... For 6 months I busted my rear trying to break that 180 mark and...NOTHING!  Finally I went to the doctor to be tested for Thyroid disease, Hormonal imbalance and diabetes...but they found nothing.  So what is my problem then??  I had a personal trainer living in my house monitoring my meals and devising my exercise plans...but still nothing...  I feel like I'm destined to be this size forever... 

But then about a year ago I spoke with a few people who had gastric bypass surgery and who were finally at the weight of their dreams...so I thought to myself...maybe this is what I need to help me past that sticky point in my weightloss.  I started doing the research and got in contact with the Barix Clinic in Columbus, OH... I went in for my consultation on January 4, 2008, and am still in the midst of trying to work out things with my insurance.. Hopefully they will come to their senses and allow me to have this surgery.

I feel like at this point in time I don't have the support needed from my family...they all tell me that I look fine and don't need to lose weight...but this size is all they know and have never seen me at a "healthy" weight... so I need to look past all the negativity they are presenting me and do this for myself... because I know in the long run this will better me both mentally and physically.

About Me
Independence, OH
Jan 10, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 1
January 11, 2008
