
Mar 18, 2010

Wow, I was so sure I wanted to have the RNY but I'm having doubts now. I went to an information session with the surgeon I'm hoping to have do my surgery (if I can get insurance that will cover him) and he seemed to think there were absolutely no benefits to having the RNY over the lap-band or realize band. In fact, he only does the bypass by special request, he doesn't even offer pricing on it. Nonetheless, I've spent countless hours online researching both options and it seems like the RNY hands down produces a greater percentage of weight loss than the band. The expected loss for bands is 43%--I would still weigh over 200 lbs with that! I don't want to go through surgery for 50 lbs. On the other hand, the band is also cheaper and since the insurance I'm hoping to get approved for will only cover 80%, I have to come up with the other 20% plus my $4500 maximum. That's sure to be several thousand dollars in difference to get the RNY. Hopefully I will get approved for the insurance and can go to my first consultation to get more insight ::sigh:: 


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Fort Collins, CO
Feb 09, 2010
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