jennadweeb 16 years, 7 months ago

just wanted to say that we are thinking about you today, hopefully everything goes great!

Sheesh S. 16 years, 7 months ago

Today is your day, i bet your in surgery right now. I wish you a very uneventful surgery and a mega speedy recovery.

judyanne 16 years, 7 months ago

Wednesday is your day! Just remember you are on the journey of a lifetime. Try to enjoy every minute. It may sound weird now, but know that you are cared for and prayed for here, and all too soon this will be but a memory and you will be an inspiration to someone else. I am waiting for you on the losers' bench! ~ JudyAnne

simplyjen329 16 years, 7 months ago

Day after Christmas! What a nice present to yourself! Congrets and good luck! Have a great Holiday and best wishes for a Thin new year!

rolmar 16 years, 7 months ago

Hi Kate.....Sending you positive thoughts for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. You have prepared for this for months and before you know it, you will be on the road to a healthier life. Best wishes! Sending you a big hug from Greenacres! Mary Beth :-)

michele55 16 years, 8 months ago

Hey Kate...Michele here. I'm pretty sure this is you that I met Saturday as we were both scoping out the Protein. Hope all is going well for you! I had my first Nutrition eval last night, have Psych Group #1 of 3 this Thursday, then my Stress & Echocardiogram on Friday. Whew! Next week (12/3), more appts. This is nuts! Didn't realize you were a Roller Derby gal! I think that's very cool. Anyway, until my Cardiac exams are done and I get clearance, I don't think I'll be resting ez. Hopefully I'll see you on the 26th, since we're both scheduled on the same day. If you need to have my card...give me a call and we can compare notes, be cranky, etc.!

michele55 16 years, 8 months ago

Hey Kate...Michele here. I'm pretty sure this is you that I met Saturday as we were both scoping out the Protein. Hope all is going well for you! I had my first Nutrition eval last night, have Psych Group #1 of 3 this Thursday, then my Stress & Echocardiogram on Friday. Whew! Next week (12/3), more appts. This is nuts! Didn't realize you were a Roller Derby gal! I think that's very cool. Anyway, until my Cardiac exams are done and I get clearance, I don't think I'll be resting ez. Hopefully I'll see you on the 26th, since we're both scheduled on the same day. If you need to have my card...give me a call and we can compare notes, be cranky, etc.!
About Me
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 111

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Walking not running
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Gas and Good Times
October Goals
Damn you hamstring!
Triggers and Stepping It Up
First day of Couch to 5K
