Finally out of the stall

Jul 26, 2010

So it's been a long time since i've posted a blog about anything.  This is worth being noteworthy so i remember what i went through years down the road.  I had surgery on 3/23/10 and my weightloss has been F-A-S-T.  Then about 3 weeks ago i hit a stall where the scale would go up a pound one day, down two pounds the next day, up a couples pounds, down a couple pounds....but always staying at the same weight.  FINALLY, thank God....i am out of that and am seeing the numbers head back down.  As of this morning I have lost a whopping 91 lbs since my surgery.  I thank God every day that He gave me the strength to do this and my dr. the knowledge.

Now....if only i could get my butt back to the gym!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2009
Member Since

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