Hi my name is Evie Marie, but I go by Marie.  I am a proud mother of 4 beautiful girls and married to a wonderful man.  I haven't always been obese.  At one point in my life I only weighed 145 lbs.  Right after I married I gained 100 lbs in about the first 2 years.  In 1994, I was in a car accident which my car was hit by an 18 wheeler and at the time I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with my 3rd daughter.  My life went down hill from there. Due to immobility and lots of steroid shot my weight shot up to 325 lbs in no time.  I tried every diet out there just to lost 40 lbs and gain back twice as much.. Nothing worked for me.  I then developed and eating disorder called compulsive eating disorder and would spend most of my time binge eating and feeling guilty all day. My health was really starting to deteriate.  Rapid heart rates ( have to take meds to slow it down), adema, severe insomnia, trouble walking and getting so tired all the time, ect.  I just didn't think I could go on anymore.  Then I lost my dad May 21, 2006 and then it hit home for me.. If I didn't get some help I was going to end up the same way.  My daughters and husband needed me here and it was time to do something about my life.  So my doctor referred me to Dr. Scott Pennington for lap band surgery.  I started the long journey of getting everything ready for surgery so my insurance would approve it.. I saw countless number of physicians, found out I had a 10 percent blockage in my heart and my body was just in pour shape.  So after almost a year I got the call that my insurance had approved my surgery..This was an answer from God. I had my surgery in August of 2008 and it has been a blessing.  It has been a slow process for me but I new going in the weight wasn't going to come off fast.  As of today May of 2009, I have only lost 28 lbs but I am thrilled.  I fill better and am getting my energy back.  I now have 7 1/2 cc's in my 10cc band and am finally starting to feel some restriction so I know I am on my way.  I now know I am going to beat this battle with obesity and have a new beginning in life thanks to God, my wonderful supportive family and to my wonderful doctor (Dr. Scott. Pennington--a wonderful christian man who supports and works with his patients 100%).  I KNOW I WILL SUCCEED!!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 3
