I began my weight loss journey in July of 2010. I started the process of getting approved for weight loss surgery. Working with a dietician I lost 102 pounds in 6 months time. I made it through all the obstacles and got the lap band and greater curvature plication in January 2011. The plan was to have a revision to the duodenal switch once my weight loss slowed. That was done in August 2012. During that surgery they placed a new port for my band because the old one had flipped. They also spent a few hours separating my bowels which had fused together. More than likely due to the c-sections I had in the past. About three weeks after that surgery I was admitted to the hospital for an infection. My body was rejecting the new port.

After several attempts to clear up the infection with antibiotics failed it was decided that the port needed to be removed then replaced a few weeks later, once the infection had cleared up. When they removed the port my incision was left open and it had to be packed twice a day for several weeks. This was done to help rid my body of the infection. 2 1/2 months later I went to have the port placed once again. Once they began the surgery they discovered that the band had eroded a hole in my stomach. The tubing had also wrapped around my bowels which were growing over the tubing. The decision was made to remove the band completely and do the plication to make my stomach smaller since I wouldn't have restriction from the band.

That surgery went well. But, a little over a week later, I was in a car accident. I rolled my car on it's top. I had several injuries including damage to my stomach, more than likely from the seatbelt. Because of my injuries I was admitted into the hospital where I spent over a week. In order to allow my stomach to heal a PICC line was inserted and I spent the next 2 1/2 months getting my nutrition from the IV, as well as antibiotics. I also had a JP drain during that entire time. I was so happy to have the PICC line and drain removed. I was finally back on regular foods. But I just couldn't manage to get enough protein and I was wasn't taking my vitamins daily. I gained 31 pounds of fluid in 13 days. This was because my albumin protein levels were low. I take all the blame for that. So, once again I was admitted to the hospital. They gave me protein through an IV as well as Potassium Chloride & Lasix. Within 3 days they had gotten 20 pounds of fluid out of me and I was well enough to go home.

The journey has been long and difficult but it was worth every bit of it. I was nearing 600 pounds and in horrible health. I was in a wheelchair, unable to walk, unable to function. Without these surgeries I more than likely would not be alive today. I am getting my life back. I can now be the Mom & person I have always dreamed of being. I am quite active, always on the go. I can play ball with my boys, keep up with their school activities, walk miles at a time & I am attending college, It's a whole new adventure. It's been rough but I have no regrets. It feels amazing to have a life instead of just existing. 

About Me
Oct 22, 2013
Member Since

Friends 4
