4 wk post-op appt & first fill!

Mar 10, 2009

Well I went in today for them to check my fluid in the port area and ended up with a fill!  That was a surprise!  I weighed in at 271 so I'm down another 4 lbs, good for me!  Brian, the PA, checked the port and said there was still a little fluid in there and he may drain it.  But then he did the fill and said that no fluid came out when he did the fill so he was going to leave it alone.

He started with a numbing shot, which hurt a little, then put in this HUGE needle and I heard it pop when it went into the port.  He gave me the fill while I was sitting up.  He had me chug some water which got stuck and scared the heck out of me.  He then decreased the fill a little and had me drink more water.  We played with it until I could drink but felt it stop a little on the way down (Hard to explain until you've felt it). 

I asked him on my way out how big a fill did I get and he said a big one, about 3-4cc in my 10 cc band.  On the way home I stopped and got a smoothie to make sure it would go down because I live a ways from the doctor.  It went down fine, maybe too well.  I hope he gave me a big enough fill, but then I remember some people talking about their fills kicking in  little ways after they were done so maybe that will happen with me.  We will see.  My next appt if all goes well is May 19th and hopefully I'll get another fill then. More later...


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Adelanto, CA
Dec 26, 2006
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