My story is pretty typical. I have been overweight since childhood. I was painfully shy as a child and not very good at sports. I absolutely hated recess and gym. I was always picked last for any games we played. I hated going shopping for clothes and so did my mother because I would always end up in tears in the dressing room. Back to school shopping was a nightmare. My mother got to the point of just giving me money and setting me loose in the mall by myself.
My first diet was at age 14. My mother was always coming home with a new diet for me to try. I even went away to fat camp at age 16. I lost 35lbs at camp but gained it all back once reality hit. I did the Richard Simmons diet at age 19 and lost alot of weight. I got down to 180 and felt great. But then one of those life stressors happened that always gets in the way of keeping it off happened. I was diagnosed with a blood disorder called ITP which basically means I have low platelets. I was put right in the hospital and had a splenectomy. I was struggling with the whole eating thing and they diagnosed me with an eating disorder because I refused to eat. They put me on heavy doses of steroids and I went nuts. I did not want to gain the weight back but all the odds were against me. In five years time I was at my highest weight ever 300lbs. I went up and down several times with my weight with various techniques and exercising.
I meet my husband in 2000 and he helped pay for a medially supervised program for weight loss. I did great and lost 50lbs until I got pregnant. A wedding and four babies later here I am with no energy and lots of health issues. I am ready to make a big change. I want to be there for my children. I want to play with them and keep them active and away from any weight issues. I want my body back. I want my health. I want to take control once and for all.