David Miller

"My first Impression was that Dr. Miller was very positive yet straight to the point and honest. His office staff were nice, i didn't really get a chance to talk with them too much. What did I like least about Dr. Miller? Hmmmmmmmmm....well....I dunno, so far nothing, I may have to update it later... but for now I think he's great. :) He addressed the risks of surgery just fine I think, wasn't too negative, but made sure that I knew that there were a lot of risks and possible complications. I would rate Dr. Miller an 9 (so far) just because no one is a perfect 10. :) The rest of the questions I'll have to update later. One thing that I really did like about Dr. Miller is that he was very good at dealing with my anxiety. With other Drs in the past they have tended to just brush off the fact that I have anxiety, and that is a big issue for me. I went in for my first consult and then the next day an endoscopy. Being that I have anxiety i was extremely nervous about the endoscopy. Dr. Miller remembered that I had anxiety, and could probably just tell that I was scared. So he made sure the nurse gave me the anti anxiety medication before anything. He was just very good about doing things the way I wanted it, or at least making me think that he was doing it the way I wanted it! :-D"
About Me
Kodiak, AK
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2001
Member Since
