February 25, 2006

Oct 20, 2006

I haven't updated for awhile.  Not a whole lot has changed.  I'm still
not smoking.  55 days today.  I've been putting $5 per day in a jar and
now I have $275.  It adds up quickly!!

I'm still plugging away at my 3-month pre-op program.  I see the
counselor, nutritionist and personal trainer every two weeks.  I'm actually
glad Aetna makes us do this before surgery.  I have learned so much
about emotional eating.  I never would admit I was an emotional eater until
I started this 3-month plan.  But I realize that usually when I eat,
its not because I'm hungry - at least not for food.  Now I take the time
to think about the cravings I get.  Like now, I'm craving a Twix bar -
my downfall!!  I haven't had one in two weeks.  I think about why I
want one so bad.  It is just that taste, while I'm chewing it...the
caramel, chocolate and cookie all together...oh my!!!  But that taste, and
others like it, is what helped get me to where I am today.  And after
surgery, I don't want to take that first bite of sugar...I never want to
find out whether or not I dump after eating it.  What if I don't.

So when I have these cravings now, I take the time to think about them
before acting on them.  It has helped a great deal.  I'm trying to
figure out what it is exactly I'm hungry for when I'm hungry but not for

I will submit all my 3-month paperwork to my surgeon on April 17 and he
will attempt to speed it through the Aetna approval process.  I'm still
hoping for the last day of April - first week of May for surgery.

January 14, 2006

Oct 20, 2006

Lots to update.  I don't have esophagus cancer or Barrett's esophagus
so I'm good to go in that department.  I got my psych eval done.  No
biggie.  I'm sure I passed!!!  I have an appointment scheduled on the 18th
with the dietician at our local hospital.  I have to either do the
six-month doctor supervised diet or the 3 month pre-op regimen with a
dietician/nutrionist.  So I have chosen to do the 3-month plan.  That makes
it about the end of April that I'll be able to have surgery.  I have a
trip for work planned for Seattle on April 26 so that will work out
great if I can schedule surgery for then too and have my employer pay my

I have been cigarette free for 2 weeks today.  I still want one really
bad but I know now that I won't have one.  I can breath easier already. 
My husband made it one day but he has not smoked in front of me and is
being supportive.  I have gained a few pounds and I notice my appetite
has come back in full force. 

I need to call my PCP this coming week and schedule an appt.  I am
supposed to get the 2nd half of my sleep study done so they can try out the
different machines on me but I am scared.  I don't want to use those
machines.  My PCP called the other day and left a message on my machine
saying we need to talk about this.  Also, I have developed a rash on the
back of my hands and on my neck and upper chest.  I don't know what it
is from but it is kind of ugly and seems to be getting worse.  Seems
like it is always something.

I'm doing ok though.  I finished my last two private practice cases so
that is a few less things on my plate.  I just want things to go
smoothly until I get this surgery.  I can't wait to be healthy.

January 1, 2006

Oct 20, 2006

I quit smoking today. My husband quit with me. He and my daughter came outside with me last night when I was having my last cigarette. Actually, I had about 5 or 6. When I was on my last one I went off by myself. I started crying. I knew this was it. I have had so many health problems this last year, and most have smoking as the number one risk factor.

Also, I caught what I thought was a cold. On Thursday I went to the doctor and I have a sinus infection and pneumonia, for the 3rd time. I think this is a sign that I'm making the right decision to quit smoking.

I wasn't going to quit until I had been approved for surgery because when I quit for a year about 13 years ago (I had a pulmonary embolism following a hysterectomy), I gained 70lbs. But I figured I can always make excuses why I can't quit. So, I did it!!

I also talked to the surgeon's office last week. I need to do a psych eval (which I've scheduled for Jan. 10), have a consult with a nutrionist (which I can do with the nut at my surgeon's office) and, if I can't get the records from the clinic in Michigan where I did the 7 month medically supervised weight loss program, I'll have to repeat a six month program before I will be approved. I've talked to the clinic before and they said they can't find my file. I'll call them again Tuesday and ask them to try again. Otherwise, it will be 6 months before surgery.

December 22, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

On December 12 I had my sleep study. I have obstructive sleep apnea. I wake up every 3 minutes and my oxygen level drops to 83%.

I am back from Seattle. What a worldwind 3 days that was.
I met with Dr. Oh on Monday. It went very well and he seems like a competent surgeon who knows his stuff. I had a list of about 60 questions, 90% of which he answered without me asking. I finally met Tina who I have spoken with on the phone several times. She is so little (a patient of Dr. Oh's)!!!

On Monday afternoon I had my appoint with the cardiologist. He had looked at the previous tests I had done and said that everything looks ok. He wants me to stay on the medication I'm on for my heart and he wants to do a few other tests. They were scheduled for Tuesday.

On Tuesday I had a nuclear stress test. The nurse had to hold me up the last little bit so the tracer could work its way through but they said I did ok.

On Wednesday, Dr. Oh did my EGD. He had to take 2 biopsies and said I have esophagitis, gastritis with bile reflux and a hiatal hernia. Hmmm...He said to call his office in 2 weeks to get the results of the biopsies.

The cardio doc called me at 7:30 Tuesday night to say that he was writing the clearance letter for WLS and sending it to Dr. Oh!!!! I'm sooo relieved. He said that WLS would be good for my heart and said he thought I was doing the right thing. How's that for encouragement!!

I still have a feeling the insurance company may make me do the supervised diet over even though I did one in Michigan. Maybe I'll be surprised and the insurance company will accept that. I hope so but I am prepared if they make me do it over.

December 5, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

I spoke with Tina in Dr. Oh's office today. I wanted to make sure they had received my packet. She said they did and that she would be calling my insurance company to see what they require. After rereading my insurance handbook today for the millionth time, I don't think they require a six-month supervised diet. They used to but they made changes to the requirements in 2004. Now, as far as I know, they just require that WLS be medically necessary and the diet is no longer a requirement. Tina said she would call me if it is still a requirement so I can start it over. She also said Dr. Oh would be writing my letter of medical necessity after he sees me on the 19th then be submitting it for approval. So, it won't be long.

November 30, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

I have my cardio appt. scheduled for December 19 in Seattle. I called Dr. Oh's office today and I get to meet with him the morning of the 19th and have my endoscopy on the 21st. Going to be a quick 3 days in Seattle but will accomplish a lot. I'm real excited to be meeting with him. Hopefully, we can set a date during that appointment. Wouldn't that just give me something to fret about!!!

November 28, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

 spent Saturday night in the emergency room. I seriously thought I might be having a heart attack. After 4 hours the ER doc told me he thinks it was my esphogus spasming. He said the feeling is exactly like a heart attack. Sure was scary. He prescribed nitro tablets. They gave me one in the hospital and it made my chest feel better than it has in months.

I mailed my information packet back to Dr. Oh yesterday. Per their letter, once they get it, they will make sure they have all the information (if they don't they'll call me). If they have it all, they will submit for insurance approval. I could be approved in less than 2 weeks. Wouldn't that be a trip!! I know I still have to get clearance from a cardiologist. I tried to make appointments in Seattle on Friday but all the doctors offices were closed because of Thanksgiving. I'll try again tomorrow.

Dr. Oh's staff said that once I know when my cardio appt. is in Seattle to let them know and they would get me in to see Dr. Oh while I'm down there and that he would most likely do a endoscopy. This will be good as I need to know before surgury if I have problems with my esphogus. Hopefully, if I do, it will not prevent WLS but it is something Dr. Oh can correct while he is doing WLS.

Other than that, all is going ok.

November 15, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

I went to the Doctor last Friday. He is referring me to a cardiologist in Seattle. I will be making my appointment tomorrow. Probably some time in mid-December. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to do some blood tests. Checking my cholesterol and checking for diabetis. Tomorrow I will request my prior 5 years weight history and some other information I need from my PCP. Once I get that I'll be ready to send in the packet of info to my surgeon. Oh yeah, I also need to make sure this surgeon does the stint to help prevent blood clots. I had a pulmonary embolism after my hysterectomy and I don't want to go through that again. I also still need to do the sleep study. Why am I putting this off. Probably because I have severe claustrophobia and am afraid they will make me where the mask.
I really didn't feel too good today. Had a hard time making it through work. My ticker was feeling really weird which made me real tired. I plugged away though and made it through the day. I'm really trying not to take any sick leave so I can save it all for surgery.

November 5, 2005

Oct 20, 2006

I am on new medication for my heart condition and it seems to be helping some. I go back to my PCP on 11/11. He still may refer me to a cardiologist in Seattle to make sure everything is as it shoud be.

On the WLS issue, I think I have decided to go with Dr. Oh in Federal Way, WA. I have heard a lot of good things about him, read all the reviews on this website and he has been referred to me by my sister. She is an operating room nurse who used to work with Dr. Oh. I have been emailing his office and asking questions. He and the hospital he works out of are preferred providers with my insurance company. The insurance will pay my airfare and after my deductible ($250) and my maximum out of pocket ($300) they will pay 100%. The doctor here is not in the insurance plan and I would have to pay 20% after the deductible and co-pay.

I debated a long time about having surgery locally or in Seattle just for after care purposes. But Dr. Oh's office told me that follow-up care can be coordinated between his office and my PCP's office. That cinched it for me.

I am now in the process of trying to get my medical records from the Medical Weight Loss Clinic that I went to for 7 months when I was going to law school in Michigan in 2003. I hope the insurance company will accept this as my 6-month supervised diet. Just in case, I have been seeing my PCP on a monthly basis since September - so I'm in month 3.

I really need to call the insurance company on Monday and see what all EXACTLY they require. I want to make sure I'm not missng anything because I don't want to get that dreaded denial letter in the mail.

I hope to have surgery in late January or sometime in February. The place I work gets real busy in the late spring and summer so it would be hard to take time off then. I figure if I can do surgery at the latest sometime in February I'll be back to work sometime in March and that would be just about right.

My co-morbids seem to be staying the course. I live on Costco brand of Pepsid as I have heartburn constantly. I still need to get the sleep study done that my doctor ordered before I had insurance. I'm quite certain I have sleep apnea as I snore loud enough to wake myself up and occasionally my husband will wake me up because I've stopped breathing or am making weird noises. It's hard to walk very far and walking up stairs (there is 18 to my front door) is really tough. I'm not sure how much of this is related to my weight and how much is related to my heart condition. Surgery will be good for both.

Last night my daughter and I were breaking a wishbone. We had both made our wishes (mine was for insurance approval and no complications during surgery). My daughter won the break. She said, "Ha, now my wish will come true. I wished that you get to have your surgery and that you will be safe." Then she kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I stood there in awe of my 14-year-old sweet daughter. Proof of something I've done right in my life. Then to top it off, today her report card came in the mail. She has a 4.0 GPA!!! I am so extremely proud of her.

I have talked with my husband about this surgery. He has never come right out and said I support you but he does ask questions. He has always been concerned about my health and has never said anything about my weight. He knows how being fat makes me feel. If this is what I want to do, I know he will be right by my side. At the same time, I worry about him when I start losing the weight. We have been together 9 years (married 6). When we first got together he had a real issue with jealousy as he caught he last wife red-handed with another guy and the wife before that as well. I have never given him reason to doubt me and never would. He is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I worry when I start loosing the weight that the jealous side of him will return. In the last two years or so it hasn't been so bad. I will do my best to reassure him that he is the only man for me.

Well, enough rambling on. I might have to edit this profile one day but it is a place for me to come and just type away. Thoughts and feelings.

Until next time.

September 2005

Oct 20, 2006

September 10, 2005
I have just started researching weight loss surgery. I have tried so many times throughout the past 20 years to lose weight and keep it off. I've probably lost 500 pounds over the years and gained back 1,000!! I'm tired of the roller coaster and feeling the way I do. My weight seems to effect nearly every decision I make. It's time those decisions were positive ones.

I'm glad I found this web site. It has already helped me locate a doctor in my town who performs this surgery. Hopefully, before too long, he'll be performing this surgery on me.

September 21, 2005
For the month of August I had to wear a heart monitor as my heart has been acting up pretty badly (I've taken heart medication for about 10 years). I turned in the heart monitor and they said everything was fine. Well, Monday night the doc from the hospital called and said all was not fine. My last 2 recordings showed that the electrical signal from the top of my heart is not getting to the bottom of my heart. He said my PCP would be calling to talk to me. My PCP's office called today. I see them next Friday. I am so worried that this will keep me from having WLS.

September 30, 2005
I saw my PCP today. Good news and bad news. I have 2nd degree heart block and congestive heart failure. I go for some tests at the hospital on Monday.

The good news - I talked to my doc about WLS. He was very supportive. He knows I won't have insurance until 11/1 so he didn't put anything in my file other than my height and weight. He will start me on the supervised program that is needed for the insurance I will have. He said my heart condition isn't necessarily a contraindication of surgery.

I'm scared over the heart stuff and the doc said he can't tell me not to be afraid. He has been my doc for over 20 years so I am really comfortable with him. There isn't a cardiologist in the town where I live so he said depending on what the tests show on Monday he may need to send me to a specialist in Seattle. We'll see.

About Me
Juneau, AK
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
May 2005: one month before surgery
December 2007, maintaining at 120

Friends 8

Latest Blog 30
October 20, 2006
September 19, 2006
September 3, 2006
August 12, 2006
July 11, 2006
June 29, 2006
June 23, 2006
June 12, 2006
June 7, 2006
June 1, 2006
