246 lbs on 2-8-2001, RNY Gastric Bypass by Dr. Robert Marema @ Holy Cross Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Never a problem post op, with surgery or vitamins or health.
Energy level soared and maintains throughout 9 years post op.
122 lbs on 4-18-2010
I waiver between 120 and 130, mostly staying at or around 125, size 4-6.
Have not had any incidents of food getting "stuck" in over 2 years.
Biggest problem throughout the years, although it is no longer a problem, was to remember to chew, chew, chew my food or it gets stuck.
I drink protein smoothies every day, which I make in a Magic Bullet (highly recommended) using fresh berries, ice cubes, Unjury protein powder or Isopure protein powder and organic milk.  DEEEEEELICIOUS!
Vitamins - chewable C, chewable calcium, chewable iron, biotin lozenge, sublingual B12 dots, chewable anti-ox, chewable multi.  These are my "candy" and I have some at work and most at home. 
I also take an 81mg chewable baby aspirin each day, orange flavored. 
My diet has too much cheese in it, as it is my favorite, e.g., mozzarella, mozzarella, mozzarella, lololol.  So  much cheese has raised cholesterol to 310.  Not good.  Currently working on alternate protein sources via the protein smoothies, shrimp, peanut butter, and my famous Lincoln's Loaf.  No way am I able to eat red meat other than chopped in meatloaf or meat sauce on pasta. 
Barilla Protein Pasta is a staple of my diet also, using organic tomato sauce, ricotta cheese, and Italian spices.  I vary with Thai peanut sauce on elbow protein pasta, with sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds and chopped chives.  This tastes great chilled and easy to take to work for lunch.
My favorite liquid is decaf Dunkin Donuts w/cream and Splenda.
Next favorite is Arizona Sugar-Free (Splenda) instant ice tea packets for 16.9 oz. bottles of water.  Drank Propel for many, many years, but just lost my taste for it of late.
Straight water has never been a favorite of mine.  I do not drink ANY soda and have not since my surgery.  Stopped drinking caffeinated coffee after a heart ablation in June 2009 to correct tachycardia and other irregular heart conditions.  I do not miss the caffeine and feel much calmer for having given it up altogether.    
I eat fruit rather than drink fruit juice.  Fruit juice, even when I make it fresh myself, gives me the shakes - fructose.
Cannot drink whole milk straight either ...  lactose issues, unless it/or cream, is diluted either in smoothies or decaf coffee.
Have no problem with shellfish of any kind, or any other fish.  Rarely eat chicken, never eat red meat other than chopped, only pork I have is burnt bacon, which is also rare event.  Love most cheeses.  Have tried tofu several times ... am not there YET.
Love edamame, carrots, asparagus, baked cauliflower, blanched broccoli.
Many times I use Amy's frozen dinners for supper.  Love spinach pies.
Whole wheat English muffins for a treat.  Ezechiel Sesame bread as a staple.
Go through periods of munching on pretzels and Goldfish crackers, but always makes me feel sluggish - carbs = sugar and given up that habit as of last month.

About Me
Delray Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2001
Member Since
