2 Week post op

Jun 29, 2008

I went to see Dr. Naziri on 06/25. I have lost a total of 23 pounds! He said he was so proud of me! You can barely see my scars! They are so tiny! He said that he was able to make my pouch very tiny, probably the size of a Double A egg. He said that he knows that I will have great success with the surgery. I am able to get mashed taters now! yea!! I thought I would never get to this stage!!

1 week post-op

Jun 15, 2008

Well it has been 1 week!! I woke up this morning at 5:15 and the 1st thought was oh my, this time last week I was lying in ASU! I can't believe it has been a week already. I feel great! I would have to say that I would do this surgery 100 times over!! Don't get me wrong, the first four days were kinda of bad. I walked to much in the hospital and on Wed. I paid for it. I was in pain. But once I got home I felt alot better. I have not got hungry yet!!! I have turned to sugar free jello and popsiclies. I have had to have at least something beside liquid in my mouth. By my scales at home I have lost 13 pounds. I go see Dr. Naziri on June 25, so I can not wait to see how much I have lost by his scales. Speaking of Dr. Naziri...he is the most amazing doctor that I have ever meet!!! He was so wonderful to me!!! I am so glad that I picked him!!!

10 More Days

May 29, 2008

OMG~ I only have 10 more days till surgery!! I have not got nervous until today, I had to get my pre-op for the hospital done. When I walked out of that building it was like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. I just wanted to scream because I was so excited. These past two months have flown by for me. I can not believe that I am getting ready to begin my new life!

About Me
Wilson, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 3
2 Week post op
1 week post-op
10 More Days
