ok..so here is my story. I am originally from California. I moved to Kansas City,MO. in 1995..met my wonderful husband Paul...and gave birth to our first daughter Skyler . I was used to weighing around 130-135 lbs. After I had Skyler..I had gained 100lbs...and had a hard time trying to get off the weight. In 2003 I gave birth to my second daughter Parker. Needless to say...my weight now is 265lbs. I have been trying to lose this weight..shoot even 10lbs would be great..but I just can't seem to do it. I have a chronic skin disease called Psoriasis and I am on all kinds of harmful meds to TRY and control it...but my weight plays a factor in the flare ups. I want to be healthy and live a longer life with my family. A healthy and happy life. I feel that if I am approved for the RNY surgery..It would change my life forever in a positive way :) I love my family and I love myself and I would do anything to get to where I need to be. I also suffer from sleep apnea...acid reflux...poor circulation..anxiety disorder..and I have a for sure case of diabetes in the future if I don't lose this weight. My Grandmother had it..my mom..my uncle..my brother..and hopefully not me.

About Me
Apr 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5
