Doing more for myself

Feb 09, 2009

Well, as of today I am down to 216.4 pounds, a weight I have not been in over ten years!.  Its funny how I can remember what weight I was at certain points in my life and as I lose I think about the last time I had been that weight and it is inspirational to say the least.  At the beginning of this month I did something I never thought I would do - I joined a gym.  It was not really my idea, my sister-in-law wanted to join and I went along to hear about the gym.  The only reason I even considered it was because my treadmill had broken and I was struggling so much with trying to get the exercise in, which has always been a problem over the years due to my negative attitude toward exercise.  Well its been just over a week and for the first week in forever, I actually exercised five days in a week, which was my goal and most of it was for 30-55 minutes!  It actually feels good to know that Monday through Friday I have a standing appointment for me to go to the gym and when I get there and get moving it feels great.  Its also nice to have my sister-in-law with me to help motivate, but one of the days she did not go with me and I still went and did what I had to do for me.  I was sore the first part of last week, but the soreness has not been so bad this week.  I know that in order for me to be successful in my health and fitness goals that exercise has to become a way of life and I feel like I am finally on my way in that regard.  Unfortunately, I had to miss the last monthly support group meeting due to an appointment to learn some of the equipment in the gym, but I am determined to get to the next meeting and keep on going because I know that support is just as an important factor in be successful.  I am in what they call the "honeymoon period",  just being a little less than three months out, but I know that I have to help myself to be as informed and prepared for when the difficult times come up, so I don't end up sabotaging all of my hard work.  It's nice when people from church or those who have not seen me in a while say how great I am looking.  I thank them, but sometimes it feels strange to me to be finally accomplishing something that I have struggled with most of my life.  Even though I know that I am wearing smaller sizes, I don't think my head has caught up with my body getting smaller.  I do know for a fact that the "head" factor in this is just as important to address and I am going to do my best to make sure I am taking care of the total me, not just the number on the scale.  Thank goodness for such a great support such as OH, to help in this most important journey of my life.


About Me
Lima, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 7
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Recovering after surgery
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