My Story

Nov 23, 2006

7/12/04:  Attended the Bariatic Support Group meeting at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Md.  They showed the video of the laprosopic gastric bypass and answered alot of questions.  It was very informative and I learned alot.  The support group meeting will help me make an informed decision

7/15/04:  Talked to one of the surgeon's offices that I am interested in using.  She said that the insurance companies usually require 6 months of diet history.  Since I just started seeing my primary care physician, I don't have 6 months of history.  I hope it won't take that long.  Once I get an appointment I'll try to get the information from my previous physician.

7/19/04:  Meet with primary care physician to get a referral.  She seemed surprised but was very encouraging.  I've only been going to her for a short while but it was obvious that I need to do something.  I told her that I was interested in the adjustable banding and she did discourage that.  She said that she has had two patients that have "eaten through" the band and gained all their weight back plus more.  She said the best thing to do would be a gastric bypass in order to maintain your weight loss.  She gave me a referral for a surgeon in Maryland.  I have called in for an appointment.  We'll see what happens next.

8/2/04:  I got through with the surgeon and have an appointment for November 2nd.  That's quite some time away.  But she told me to get appointments for a gallbladder ultrasound and sleep study.  This will give me some time to think about what I'm doing.

9/2/04:  Went back to my PCP and we went over the packet of information from Dr. Averbach's office.  She has been very supportive.  She told me about one of her other patients that lost 160 pounds.  So she gave me the referral I need to get a gallbladder ultrasound.  I have also made my appointment for my psych visit and with the dietician.  She also told me to go ahead and start weight watchers in case I do need six months supervised diet.  I hope I won't have to wait six months.  Also went to St. Agnes Support Group meeting.  It was OK.  They had a presentation from a personal trainer.  But I did talk to someone after the meeting and she told me how well her surgery went.  So, I did leave a bit encouraged.

9/9/04:  Went this morning and had my gallbladder ultrasound.  It hurt.  I have also been having pain on that same side.  I hope I don't have gallstones.  I have also been talking to some of my personal friends that have had the surgery.  Everyone is so supportive.  One of them has even offered to be my angel.  This is even more encouraging.  I am believing God that this will work out for my good.

9/14/04:  Had my physical with my PCP today.  I was diagnosed as morbidly obese.  No biggy.  But she didn't have the results from my gallbladder ultrasound.  Ugh...  Will call facility tomorrow to find out what's the deal.  Got some pictures of me today.  I am big as a house!! 

9/15/04:  Called about report on gallbladder ultrasound.  They hadn't faxed over to the doctor's office.  They sent it over.  Called my PCP and they received the report.  Didn't hear anything today so I guess my gallbladder is OK.

 9/20/04:  Got a call from my PCP at 5:54 p.m..  I have gallstones.  She doesn't think they can do both surgeries.  Will call Dr. Averbach's office tomorrow.  Did some more research on the different types of WLS.  And realized there are 2 types of gastric bypass ~ proximal or distal.  According to studies the distal is more effective long-term as too keeping the weight off because its malabsorbive and restrictive.  Proximal is just restrictive. I am definitely going to request distal.  I know he doesn't do the doudenal switch but it seems a distal gastric bypass is just as effective.

 9/21/04:  Called Dr. Averbach's office this morning to let them know I have gallstones.  Left a message and they called me back within a couple of hours (Impressed!)  I spoke to Cathy, the nurse coordinator, and she told me that Dr. Averbach can take care of both removing the gallbladder and performing gastric bypass.  Well that's good news.  So she said she would put me on the cancellation list and if anyone cancels their appointment they would give me a call.  Well, I didn't realize that meant they would call me TODAY.  The receptionist called me an hour later and she had an opening for TOMORROW!!  So, my consult has been pushed up to tomorrow (9/22/04) at 4:00 p.m. (It originally wasn't until NOVEMBER!!) I've got my medical records and have scheduled me consults with the dietician and psych. visit.  I also have pages of questions I got off this sight and on the internet.  I'm going to cut them down and ask the most important ones.  I just hope I don't chicken out. 

I also got my referral for a sleep study today from my PCP.  I also got the report from my gallbladder ultrasound.  It seems that I also have a "fatty liver" which also comes from obesity and can lead to liver disease. (Side bar:  I LOVE THE INTERNET!!  You can look up all these fancy medical terms and find out what they mean.) Hopefully that will make a good case with the insurance company.  Today I am going to work on my letter to the insurance company to take with me.  I will definitely update my profile tomorrow after my consult.


9/22/04:  Had my consult with Dr. Averbach.  I got so nervous.  I  don't know what was wrong with me.  But he went over all of the risks and answered all my questions.  He did stress that I'm the one that has to do the work to lose weight.  Dr. Averbach also said he could remove my gallbladder and do the WLS together.  YEA!!  Cathy, the nurse coordinator, was really nice also.  She told me what to do so my gallstones won't flair up before surgery.  He said if we get everything within a couple of weeks, I could have the surgery by the end of October of early November.  He also said I would need 4 weeks off work!!  Hopefully I came it over the holidays so I won't have to come back to work until the first of the year.  That would be too nice!! 

I have all my appointments scheduled:
Sleep Study:  9/30/04
Dietician Visit:  10/4/04
Psych Visit:  10/7/04

Hopefully, the office will be able to send the info to the insurance company by the second week of October.  This is going really smoothly.

9/28/04:  Trying to stay on this low fat diet while I go through this process.  Maybe I'll actually lose a little weight.  Anyway, I can't seem to think about anything else but this surgery and hoping I can get it.  My mother is even starting to come around.  Last night I went out and bought a couple of books on the subject. 

I told my boss that I am going to have gallbladder surgery and may have to be out for 4 weeks.  My work schedule is already out through December.  But he says don't worry about it.  I mentioned that I would prefer to do it over the holidays.  (That way I would have more time off.)  We'll see how this goes.  I have my sleep study on Thursday night and my last two appointments until next week.  After that, I hope that will be it.

10/1/04:  Had my sleep study last night.  That was a trip.  The closer the time got the more I didn't want to go.  I didn't have any caffiene yesterday so I was draggin' and grouchy.  But, I got myself together with the support of my mom, ironically.  She called me to make sure I didn't take a nap after work and that I left on time.  That was cool.  If I am that nervous about going to the hospital just to sleep, I may totally wig out when it's time for surgery.

I get to the hospital at 8:40 p.m. and it was locked up like a bank vault.  I had to go around the back and enter through the emergency entrance. Walking around downtown Baltimore at night is very creepy.  I was really annoyed.  I almost went back home.  But I went on in the hospital anyway.   Anyway, the admissions folks and the nurse were waiting for me with the forms and everything.

The nurse took me to the 8th floor and wired me up.  She put this goop in my HAIR!! I had JUST gone to the hairdresser on Saturday and had a cute do and errything.  It was soo many wires.  I thought I was going to explode.  She even put something under my nose to make sure I was breathing.  I had wires on my legs, neck, eye, forehead, 4 places in my HAIR, chest, and two belts around my chest to monitor my breathing.

The nurse was nice.  I got complimentary parking and $5.00 meal ticket for a meal at the hospital.  (Like I would really go TO the hospital to eat - whatever)  She really cool about the hair thing, too.  She understood.  She said her black patients tell her all the time about how much we have to pay to get our hair done and we can't just wash our hair and go.  She made me laugh!!  She tried not to put too much of that goop in my hair.

It was a long night.  I did manage to get some sleep.  The presidential debates were on.  So, it didn't take me long to get sleepy.  But like clockwork, I woke up at 4:00 A.M..   But that worked out OK.  She unhooked me from the machine and let me go to the bathroom.  I had to carry all those wires with me to the bathroom.  IT was like something off a science fiction movie.  But the nurse was able to let me go and I got home around 5:00 a.m.  I was able to catch a nap and WASH MY HAIR.  I tried everything before I broke down and washed it. I tried to comb the stuff out but it was sticky and gucky.  So, then I tried to just wash the spots where she put the goop, but that did NOT work.  Because I went to sleep before I did my hair and the goopy stuff had stuck all together in the back of my head.  (ACK!!)  It was awful.  I just gave up and washed my head.  That was really a bummer.  But it still came out cute.  My hairdresser and cut my hair into a cute little style. (I really couldn't tell with all the curls.)

She couldn't tell me if I have sleep apnea.  But she did say that I snored ALL NIGHT LONG!! (haha!!)  She even asked me if I ever woke myself up!!!  I'll have to call my doctor on Monday to get the report.  I'll go by and pick up the report some time this week.

I'm hoping all this will be worth it all. So that's one down and two more to go:  I have my appointment with the dietitian on Monday and psych consult on Thursday.

10/4/04:  Had my consultation with the dietician.  Arlene Swatko was so nice.  I had been to a couple of support group meetings and she remembered me.  She went through my diet after weight loss and said that I can call her anytime after surgery if I have any questions.  She said don't consider it whining, you've never been thru this before.  She was very helpful.  She gave me some samples of the chewable vitamins and told me where I can pick up the Perma Lean.  The protein drink they recommend.  She answered all my questions.  We talked a little bit about the DS versus RNY.  She HIGHLY recommended the RNY and that the DS just had too many complications. 

She also told me that I would only be eating 2 - 3 tablespoons after surgery.  I got kinda nervous about the surgery after that.  It is started go get real.

10/7/04:  Psychological evaluation:  I was so nervous and I don't know why.  Bea Flynn was also very nice.  We had a good conversation.  We talked alot about my family and the family structure.  She told me to be prepared about how people will treat me because they are used to me being at this place.  My friends and family are going to treat me differently after I lose the weight.

We talked alot about my family structure and what was my place.  Also talked a little about the fact that I want to get married and have kids.  She agreed that the weight was a barrior.  I'm started to realize that this is going to be a COMPLETE change in my life.  We talked for a little over an hour.  At the end of the conversation she said that she would OK me for surgery.  I called my friend afterwards and told him I wasn't crazy! :-)

Talked to the clerk at the surgeon's office before I left.  They said they are trying to book surgeries for the end of October and that she would call me tomorrow.  She said that she had been receiving my information but couldn't find my file.  I explained that the doctor may have it since I have gallstones.

10/8/04:  Stayed home from work today.  Had the day off.    The surgeon's office called this morning!!  She said she will get the letter from my psychological evaluation the first of next week and will file my paperwork with the insurance company next week.  She said I should get a reply from the insurance company in a week and they could probably schedule the surgery at the end of October!!  So, I spent the WHOLE day reading books about weight loss surgery.

I also watched the show Starting Over.  One of the girls in the house had gastric bypass surgery and is not eating well.  She is eating whatever she wants but is still losing.  They filmed her eating chips, fritos, and junk!!  And she told her surgeon that was going to continue to eat potatoes even after he told her to cut her carbohydrates.  She is really sabotoging the process.

I am going to try my best not to fall into that trap.  I really want to lose at least 100 pounds.  I would love to be under 200 FOREVER!!  So, I am really going to focus the first year of this surgery to get this weight off.  I am also going back to the gym and exercise.  This is a commitment I am going to make to myself.  If I go thru all of this, I definitely have got to make the eating changes that goes with it.  I just couldn't deal with gaining the weight back!!  I JUST COULDN'T!!

11/17/04:  Well haven't posted in a while because I had this smart decision to put of the surgery until January.  Well now I've decided what the heck am I waiting for.  So, I've decided to try and have my surgery in December.  I also went to St. Agnes for an information seminar about WLS.  There were only 5 of us in the group.  Cathy Carr from Singh and Averbach's office was the facilitator.  She answered all the questions I was too scared to ask during my surgeon's visit.  I still don't know what that was about.  Anyway, after going to the class and asking questions, I feel much more confident about the surgical team and the program that they have at St. Agnes.  So, I decided not to put off the surgery any longer and try to have it in December.

11/18/04:    I called Dr. Averbach and Christen said she will submit my paperwork tomorrow.  So, we'll see what happens.

12/20/04:  I'M APPROVED!!  I got the call today.  The office submitted the paperwork on November 29th and I found out today.  I got a little anxious so I called the insurance company this morning and asked them to fax the approval to Dr. Averbach.  I thought I wouldn't hear anything until later this week.  But I got the call today!!  This is really going to happen. 

12/23/04:  Went to my primary care physician and had my pre-op testing:  EKG, Bloodwork, blood pressure, etc.  It went OK.  My PCP went off about my blood pressure.  It was 140/90.   I'm getting over a cold.  It WILL be gone by January 5th.   I am getting very nervous. 

12/29/04:  Went to Dr. Averbach's office.  Last check-in before actual surgery.  This is getting serious.  Just asked a couple of questions about pain and other stuff.   Also found out that I had to pay a hospital co-pay of $49.00!!  Somebody tell the Lord "Thank ya!!"  My insurance is going to cover 100%!!  This thing is really going to happen.  Also, I weighted in today and actually have lost 3 pounds.  I think from the anxiety of this surgery I have actually lost weight!! 

12/30/04:  The hospital called for pre-admission testing and told me I need a chest x-ray.  So, have to go to my PCP and get a chest x-ray today at 3:00 p.m. Hopefully this will be it until surgery.

1/3/05:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Just TWO MORE DAYS!!  I have my pre-op class today at 2:00 p.m.  I am just so nervous.  I just keep praying that everything goes OK.  My parents come in tomorrow night.  I have work to do and can not think.  Went to church this Sunday and prayed like crazy.  :-)  I know that God is going to work this out.  "God has not given us a spirit of fear."   I really just want this over.

1/4/05:  Went to class yesterday and everything went OK.  Cathy was very nice and told us what to expect.  Of course there was one obnoxious person in the class on her cell phone (I HATE THAT!!)  I know I am cell phone crazy but I'm not rude.  Anyway, I was so worried about not sleeping last night and not being able to get to work to finish my report.  But I just wore myself out buying groceries for everyone that is coming up I slept like a log!!  Plus, I got to work today and everything fell into place.  I got my report completed enough to submit to my supervisor.  I told him how long I will be out, but I am going to try to come back early.  So, I will not have any work hanging over my head while I'm out. 

Tonight my parents come in and in the morning we go to the hospital.  My angel will be there with me.  She's a nurse so that will be great!!  She had the doudenal switch last year and looks awesome!!  My boo is coming after work.  That's fine, I don't want him seeing me upset.  I have a feeling I am going to start crying. 

Tonight - no food after 8:00 p.m. and nothing after midnight.  I just hope I don't forget.  I am so ready to get this gallbladder out.  I can't believe this is really happening.  I'm still worried but am praying.  I just can't believe I am going to do this!

1/21/05:  Well it's two weeks and I am really starting to feel like myself again.  Surgery went well.  I got thru it with no complications.  The pain meds were awesome.  Slept most of the time while I was in the office.  My mom and Dad were there.  My Angel Kris, came the day of surgery and visited the next day.  She was awesome.  She really comforted my parents.  She had the DS and has lost 140pds.  I was really surprised at how well everything went.  I didn't vomit or have alot of nausea.  Just ate what I could. 

Went to the doctor for my 2 week appointment on Wednesday and weighed in.  I LOST 20 LBS!!!!  The nurse wasn't too happy and said I wasn't eating enough and was losing too fast!! HAHAHAHA!!  Can you believe it.  No one has EVER told me I wasn't eating enough!!!  What a hoot!!!  

Anyway, I am working to increase my protein and get more real food.  I've moved from the pureed to the chunky foods.  Two more weeks before I can move to salads.  The only bad episode I had was after my appointment.  The dietician told me I could basically eat just be careful.  So, I got home from the doctor around 6:00 p.m. and had not eaten since breakfast and I had to pick up a PIZZA for my parents.  And of course, I had to "taste" the pizza!!  I also had lunch meat with crackers.  I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE WITH PAIN.  I tried to take some Tylenol and it got stuck in my throat.  It was awful.  It went on for a half hour. It was mostly gas!! It finally went away.  I really learned my lesson and will not take it too fast.

But last night was great.  My parents went home and I took my baby, Alan, out to dinner for helping me sooo much.  I have to give a special shout-out to him. He was soo great during the surgery, he took my parents back and forth to the hospital every day.  He brought them dinner on Sundays, took me to the store.  He was so great.  I could not have gotten through this without him!! 

So, last night I took him to Olive Garden and I got the Pasta Fagilo soup and it stayed down!! I just ate half a bowl and it was fine.  So, I am feeling alot better about eating out.

2/1/05:  Went to Dr. A for my 4 week check up.  LOST 6 MORE POUNDS!! For a total of 26 POUNDS!!  and my BMI is now 44.  My blood work was OK.  I have to start taking iron pills and I can eat regular food.  I can even have salad.

I did have a surreal experience while I was waiting to see the doctor.  There were two people who were also waiting who were talking about the terrible battle the had with their insurance companies.   One person said she had to appeal 3 times and the other lady said she had to go all the way to the insurance commissioner in Md.  I was just sitting there thinking that God must have had a plan for me because it was just too quick how I got approved.   God worked it out so that I had no problems with my insurance company and got approved with the first submission.  God does all things well.  I serve an AWESOME GOD!!

2/2/05:  Went to the mall and got me a salad with broiled chicken.   It stayed down and digested OK.  I was very careful to chew up the lettuce.

2/3/05:  Had some left over salad.  Think I went overboard.  The salad went straight through me  (if you know what I mean.)  At least I can say, my colon is officially cleaned out.  But after that I was fine.  :-)

2/4/05:  Ate too fast again or had a gas bubble or something!!  But this time it was broiled chicken.  I'm at my mom's trying to eat. Don't think I chewed it very well.  It's 12:30 in the morning and I'm just getting my stomach settled enough to lay down.  I will be so glad when I can get the hang of eating slow enough and chewing it down enough.  Tried some hot tea and I almost threw up.  I'm just glad it's over

2/20/05:  Today is my birthday.  I'm 40 years old and I've lost 40 POUNDS!!  I feel fine.  Had a good day.  Alan and some of my friends went out to dinner.  I had a crabcake.  I even had two bites of cake and nothing happened.  I am doing pretty good.  Went to San Francisco for two weeks and had a pretty good time.  Only threw up once and that was because I was on my cycle.  Walked for 40 minutes every day.  I think that's when I lost the most of my weight.  I am glad to be back home and can get back into the routine of eating my protein shakes and taking my vitamins. 

Also, trying to deal with some bad news today.  I don't want to discuss it hear.

2/21/05:  Didn't sleep today.  Trying to cope with some bad news without eating.  I think I can do it. 

3/15/05:  Had my appointment with Dr. Averbach.  Down to 249 according to the doctor's scale.  (My scale at home says 245.5)  Anyway.  I'm down 44 pounds!!  ALL of my clothes are too big.  I can actually wear a size 20 slacks. It is too awesome.  No compliants.  No sickness or vomiting.  This is great!!  I am working to be down 50 pounds by April. 

4/12/05:  Had my monthly checkup with Dr. Averbach.  I'm at 241.9 lbs. which means I HAVE LOST 50 POUNDS!!  The doctor said my weight loss has slowed but I'm still on track and of course I need to exercise.  I dont have to go back until July but if my weight loss stops I should call them.

I've decided to go back to the strict no bread, pasta, rice, etc deal.  I had started eating some bread, not much, but I wasn't eating ANY bread.  I'm also going to make sure I get in more protein.  But one reason I may have weighed heavy was I just got off my cycle on Sunday.

The exercise thing will be easier for me when I start traveling again.  In the hotels there is always a treadmill.  But I am going to start taking the exercise DVD with me on the road.  I am going to try to do more exercise at home in the evenings.  I have got to get it together.

My scale at home says 237 and I am really wearing a size 18 dress and size 20 pants!!  I could NEVER wear a size 20 pants. I've even started ordering things off VICTORIA'S SECRETs AND THEY FIT!!

I went home this weekend and everyone was so great about it.  My sister even started asking me about the surgery.  My church's General Convocation is coming up and I took about 6 suits to have them altered and she is going to take inches off.  My mom asked me did I really fit those suits.  I told her those suits were TOOO TIGHT before I lost weight!!  I still can't believe it.  Sometimes its hard for me to actually see the weight loss.

I'm also trying to figure how much weight am I going to lose and how would I look if I actually got down to a size 8.   A size 12 would be awesome!!  I just can't even imagine it!!  (hahaha!)  

4/25/05:  The scale finalllllly moved.  I was stuck at 238.5 for two weeks!!  I thought I was going crazy.  Got on the scale twice so it's offical - 234.5!!!  I wasn't tracking my water.  Once I started keeping with trying to drink 64 ozs.  The scale started moving.  Mostly drinking unsweetened iced tea and favored water.  Hopefully, the scale will keep moving down

4/28/05:  Meet with the dietician today.  Her office is in my surgeon's office.  So I sneaked on the scale while I was waiting.  I weighed 234.7 on the doctor's scale.  That's another 7 pounds.  With a total weight loss of 60 pounds!!  The dietician told me I have to drink the water.  A dehydrated body does not lose weight!!  She told me that I looked well and to keep up with the protein.  Also, told me that I could eat barbeque as long as the sauce isn't really sweet. (On my way to NC) and I can eat nuts (pure plant protein). 

5/9/05:  Just came back from a week of HOLY CONVOCATION!!  Our church just had their national meeting in NC.  I tried to eat well but slipped up a few days.  Had some barbeque and hushpuppies (yum, yum) and I didn't get sick.  Also had some fried fish.  Had too!!  It's North Carolina!! 

Everyone noticed how much weight I lost.  Some even tried to act like they didn't recognize me.  What a hoot!!  Everyone was so complimentary about the weight loss. 

Got home and weighed this morning.  I had lost SEVEN MORE POUNDS!!  Down to 227.5!!  Must have been all the going during convocation.  That means I've lost 67 pounds.  I'm now on target with my weight loss chart. 

5/12/05:  I'm in NY this week and had to go to Century 21 today.  I've been here all week and tried to stay away but I couldn't take it any longer.  Tried on a size 16W dress just on a whim and IT FIT!!!  So, I bought it...  My first size 16 in YEARS!!  I can't believe it.  This thing is so awesome. 

7/6/05:  It's been 6 months and I can't believe it.  I have lost 76 pounds and that is unbelievable!!!  I'm down to 219.  I can wear a size 14W and a regular size 18/20 pants from Old Navy.  I haven't lost any hair and haven't really gotten too sick.  I can eat just about anything and haven't had any dumping.  I do have to watch the carbs or it will slow down my weight loss.  I get tired easy when I forget to take my vitamins but otherwise I'm doing great.  I have a doctor's appointment next week to get my official weight.  I can't believe it's been 6 months.

10/3/05:  It's October and I weigh and even 200 pounds!!  I can't believe how much I have lost.  It has been just amazing.  You will definitely have to slap me pretty soon.  All of my 16/18s are now too big.  I can actually purchase clothing out of regular stores.  I saw my best friend last week and she went bolistic!!  :-)  She was sooo supportive.  I LOVE HER!!  I have NO winter clothes, so more shopping. 

And to make things just off the chain - I meet a new man!! :-)


I found out today that I am also scheduled to go to NC the week of October 17th.  That is where my new friend lives.  A paradigm shift occurred in my life today.  I am going to live a good life.  Something is about to break!!

Well it's April 17, 2006.  Easter Monday.  I now weigh 193 lbs. and feel great.   And I am HAPPY!!  I have to watch what I eat or I will gain weight now.  I work out at Curves as much as possible.   

I wear a regular size 12 now and regular 14 or 16 pants depending on how they are cut.  These hips and legs don't want to seem to move.  I can wear a regular size 14/16 jeans.  I haven't been inside a plus size store this year!! and I'm never going back into one again!!!  And I can wear an 8 1/2 shoe.  Even my feet are smaller.  My rings are falling of my fingers and I have to get them resized.  I lost my birthstone ring because if fell off my hand (but I found it yesterday in the car!!)  It had been gone since February! 

I am ridding myself of some toxic relationships that probably kept me overweight for so long.  I have meet some new friends that are awesome.  I've also re-established my relationships with my sisters and other friends that I just let myself lose contact with.  I also just got back from Bermuda and had a fun time.

The week of my birthday I went to Phenix and stayed at a resort for two days.  It was so nice. 

I've got new hair (microbraids) and look awesome, if I say so myself.  Friday night, one of my friends from my sister's church came to me and told me I was beautiful. 

As of today, it's been 6 months since my new friend and I have been seeing each other and it has been AWESOME. 

Losing weight was the best thing that has ever happened to me.  A great and effectual door has been opened that no man can close. I am going to post before and after pictures.  You just won't believe it.

July 5, 2006:  It's been 18 months.  I'm still between 193 and 195.  I want to lose another 10 lbs.  I was able to get into a size 8 dress.  It was a squeeze but I got into it and that's the point.  So of course I bought it. 

I am definitely going back to Curves this week. 

BIG DEAL:  Got promoted to supervisor in May!!!  I have an office, parking space, blackberry, the whole deal!!!  I honestly believe it had alot to do with my weight loss.  People perceive you differently when you are thinner. 

ANOTHER BIG DEAL:  My sister and brother-in-law had weight loss surgery this year.  My brother-in-law has lost 90 pounds.  My sister had hers last week.  I can't believe it!!  We are all going to be thin, beautiful people. 



About Me
Laurel, MD
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
My Story
