angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 4 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 4 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 4 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 4 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 6 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 6 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 8 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 8 months ago

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 8 months ago

angelgirl1 wrote a blog post 13 years, 8 months ago
Update - Well I went to the clinic today for my checkup. I am down to 200lbs from 287 lbs in Feb. I hoped to be under 200lbs. but i know next time i will lol. Life is so different for me no...

angelgirl1 wrote a blog post 13 years, 9 months ago
Back to life - Well after 6 weeks post op I have gone back to work. Everyone is so nice and they tell me how good i look so far I have lost about 75 lbs since I started this journey.I can't belie...

angelgirl1 uploaded a photo 13 years, 9 months ago

angelgirl1 selected a surgeon: Natasha Pereira-Hong and left a testimonial. 13 years, 9 months ago
Click here to update your surgeon!

angelgirl1 had a RNY on Sep 10, 2010. 13 years, 9 months ago
Post Your Support or Click here to update your surgery status.
About Me
Brantford , ON
Surgery Date
Dec 26, 2009
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 2
