Melissa Mermaid 17 years, 8 months ago

<b>Congratulations on taking this huge step in your journey and becoming an official member of the "fellowship of the switch."</b> We hope that your surgery and recovery are swift, smooth, and uneventful. It is an interesting experience and certainly not "the easy way out" of being unhealthy and obese but each day will get a little better and be further proof that you dared to dream and had the courage to act. Good luck and God bless!

P566 17 years, 8 months ago

Best wishes Deborah L ! May all turn out well with you DS.

Anne S. 17 years, 8 months ago

My prayers have been sent for God to lead your journey in the safest way possible. Good luck, dear, and let us know, please when you feel up to it - how things are going for you. Know that you are loved and thought about here. -anne

teacups 17 years, 8 months ago

Wow, your day is finally here!!! Praying for everything to go quickly and as painless as possible. CONGRATS you soon to be BIG LOSER!

Stefanie P. 17 years, 8 months ago

Deborah - Wishing you smooth sailing through your surgery and on to a speedy recovery! Stefanie

Samaro .. 17 years, 8 months ago

Hey Deborah, Just stopping by to wish you a textbook surgery and a speedy recovery. See you when you get back online. Don't forget -- walk, walk, walk. Sandy

Jennifer Z. 17 years, 8 months ago

Hey Deb -- Good luck tomorrow! :) See ya on the loser's side.

Not So Pleasantly P. 17 years, 8 months ago

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, Deborah! I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you. Keep us posted on your progress!! J.J.

Not So Pleasantly P. 17 years, 8 months ago

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, Deborah! I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you. Keep us posted on your progress!! J.J.

cinka 17 years, 8 months ago

Wishing you the very best in your surgery on Monday.
About Me
dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 5
2 months
Week 2
Weight loss
